almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link


As we shared in the latest update, we are thrilled to bring free content to Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® Breakpoint throughout 2021. Our vision is to continue adding on to what we have built together since the launch of the game, including more customization, progression, and added replay-ability, among others. Furthermore, we will continue to add quality and technical improvements to the game.

We will deliver this content to the live game via two major title updates.

Title Update 4.0.0 Teammate Experience Update

We were thrilled by your reactions when we introduced the AI teammates and wanted to keep improving on them. This title update will focus on the AI teammates. We knew that adding them to the game was only the first step, and we are happy to announce that their capabilities will be further improved based on your feedback.

The Teammate Experience Update is focused on improving your experience with your AI squad, while also adding some community requested features. Discover a new XP progression for your AI squad, and unlock new passive skills and abilities as you play. A dedicated quest log will also be available for you to experiment with the new AI squad features, while rewarding you with cool and exclusive rewards!

Release Window: End of Spring

Title Update 4.1.0

Intel brief for this operation is classified, and Ghosts have not been granted full access to this information. Mission details to be revealed later this year. It seems to be one of the biggest operations so far.

Release Window: Fall

For the latest news on Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, follow us on Twitter @GhostRecon and join the discussion on the official Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Forums and here on Reddit.

External link →
almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by NeedHoodsUpPlzUbi

Exclusive rewards? Ghillie hoods like shown in the picture.


almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by SergentKGB

Helllll yeah, continue the great job guys. Sooo hyped

Glad to hear it! Excited myself as well.

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by lordtachanka--_

This sounds really good! Keep up the good work so far Ubi!

Thanks, man! Can't wait for the updates.

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by MCBillyin

Teammate Experience sounds great! And this "biggest operation ever" intrigues me.


almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by No_Jackfruit_5647

Good ideas. It will definitely bring me back to the game.

Love to hear it. ♥

almost 4 years ago - /u/Ubi_Hayve - Direct link

Originally posted by w1987g



almost 4 years ago - /u/Ubi_Hayve - Direct link

Originally posted by classicwfl

Please, please tell me we get the option to play with a single AI teammate rather than the full team. :) Odd request, I know, but it'd really enhance the Ghost Experience to play with just 1 to act as a spotter.

Not as odd as you think.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Ubi_Hayve - Direct link

Originally posted by CanuckCanadian

Next gen enhanced?

almost 4 years ago - /u/Ubi_Hayve - Direct link

Originally posted by cptmuricah

Next-gen enhancement for Wildlands you meant? Not something I'm aware of atm, but not sure it is entirely off the table.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Ubi_Hayve - Direct link

Originally posted by cptmuricah

If you tell your buddies in the know that we want it, I'll buy you a cookie. No drinks though, I can't do drinks.

haha you got it bud, will do :)
Hope you're having a good Friday!

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by antoineflemming

Exactly. And since Year 2 will most likely be the last year of content, this is the last chance to get proper SOF equipment in the game and to get some items fixed.


EDIT: This is probably a waste of time anyway. Ubisoft was never going to look at it, and more than likely, they'll just add more stupid civilian resistance gear, stupid airsoft gear, stupid weapon and vehicle reskins, and dumb Tomb Raider stuff. They don't care about Ghost Recon. They just want to put stupid stuff in the game so that they're paying lip service to their live service model. They've ruined the Ghost Recon franchise. There's no reason to expect they'll rehabilitate it now. Hopefully this will be the last Ghost Recon game.

Not responding to a comment doesn't mean we aren't looking. Every player has their own vision for Breakpoint and the future of Ghost Recon, and I know a lot of you want what is best for the game. I appreciate your tenacity.

While we may be unable to give a "yes" or "no" to specific features, we still hear you and see you. There are plenty of bug fixes, quality of life improvements, and items coming to the game.

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by LawbringerForHonor

I miss Bowman and her briefings so much.

She misses you too.

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by snoogle20

2021’s most important goal: get Holt off that cot.

He's just really sleepy.

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by MalodorousFiend

Also, a question: are there other live events and related content drops planned, or does their absence here indicate those are being scaled back/canned?

If you guys need to stay focused on delivering "the big one" in the fall instead I'm totally down with that, but (as a certain other post in this thread pointed out) two updates for the whole year would feel a tad sparse.

These are the two big updates that we do currently have planned. Albeit, these updates will also include bug fixes, updates, and more. You'll learn more about what each TU includes closer to the release dates. :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by pushECX

Looking at the image they posted in the article, does anyone else think that the blacked out part underneath "Operation" says "Motherland"? Could it be the final operation that'll tie up the game's storyline and Nomad makes it off Auroa?

You have to look at that specific image, because it seems the one posted in this announcement thread and the one posted on the Ghost Recon news blog have different compression and you can't see it as well. This could also just be some weird compression artifact, lol.

Edit: Here's an enhanced image where it's easier to see.

Edit 2: Here's a better version of the original image. It says "OPERATION [MOTHERLAND]".

Edit 3: Enhanced version of the second image

Good eye.

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by DewyMossEmpire

Ok so this is cool, but FALL? Can we please get some patches in between for bugs and smaller features??

There will be bug fixes, etc. with these updates as well. Wish I could provide you with further info than "FALL" right now, but that is currently what we have. As soon as we can provide further insight, we will. :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by AugustoRudzinski

A dedicated quest log will also be available for you to experiment with the new AI squad

Oh yeah now that's hot

Also maybe Moa Island with the operation? 😉

For transparency, I can share that Moa Island will not be part of the content available for 2021.

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by _MaZ_

Moa Island gonna be opened up?

Unfortunately, Moa Island is not something that will be included with this upcoming content. :/

almost 4 years ago - /u/UbiBard - Direct link

Originally posted by Dark_Chris_6

Secret op with Bowman? Yesssss. Thanks Ubisoft for continuing to support Breakpoint!

BTW if it's the biggest dlc yet it has to be Moa Island.

Not Moa Island, but would love to hear everyone's guesses. 👀