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almost 5 years ago - /u/UbiTone - Direct link

Originally posted by Odd-One55

Wdym confirmed

You can check out her kit from our Cosplay Guide from E3, which includes the Karambit.

almost 5 years ago - /u/UbiTone - Direct link

Originally posted by UbiTone

You can check out her kit from our Cosplay Guide from E3, which includes the Karambit.

flair: ubiresponse

almost 5 years ago - /u/UbiTone - Direct link

Thanks for the suggestion! Sending it along to the team.

almost 5 years ago - /u/UbiTone - Direct link

Originally posted by GrayMan108

Really? Given the history of the weapon and how it's been used in the past fifteen or so years, it's not a weapon that should be added in a military themed game like this.

I think this is one of those times where the community absolutely shouldn't be listened to. It's in really poor taste to add that weapon into the game.

It's the players choice as to which weapons, gear, etc. they would like to equip. A player does not have to equip them if they do not want to :)

almost 5 years ago - /u/UbiTone - Direct link

Originally posted by SvengirXeesDrakhen

Since you're here, an other suggestion: separate the crosshair from vehicles and infantry so we can use the laser w/ the infantry and still able to use the crosshair to aim in a vehicle (turret or helicopter)

You are saying have two different crosshairs for vehicles and infantry modes, right?

almost 5 years ago - /u/UbiTone - Direct link

Originally posted by SvengirXeesDrakhen

Yes ^^

Ok great! Thanks for specifying.

almost 5 years ago - /u/UbiTone - Direct link

Originally posted by GrayMan108

You're missing the point. Context is important. I'm not criticising the weapon or that you'd be giving players the choice of using it, I'm criticising the context of its potential usage.

The weapon has been used by SEAL Team Six to mutilate people in warzones. It's also a weapon with deep roots in Native American history, a weapon that was used to scalp people. It was used during the French-Indian war to fight foreign invaders. Breakpoint is a military themed game about foreign invaders taking over an island (the Wolves are technically foreign to the natives on the island).

The issue here isn't that the weapon itself could be implemented in a game, the issue is that given the nature of this game, what it's about and what it allows players to do (dress up as SEAL Team Six operators), it would be in poor taste to implement that particular weapon because of its history with SEAL Team Six.

You are inevitably gonna get players who will try to recreate what those operators did. It's a game that allows people to live out the power fantasy of being an elite soldier, but by giving players the chance to recreate what those SEALs did, even if they can't actually do what was described in the article I linked below, the company would be basically brushing aside what happened and saying it's okay. All it takes is one person in the media to bring up what I have for it to have a negative effect on the game. Just look at Modern Warfare. People are already criticising that game for certain scenes within it and they're part of the story.

I never argued against its usage in Assassin's Creed 3 because it made sense for it to be used in that game. It would have been weird not to include that weapon. But in Breakpoint there is no logical reason as to why it needs to included as a melee weapon other than SEAL Team Six used it. However the problem is what they used it for. They commited war crimes with it.

There is literally no benefit to having that weapon in the game from a gameplay standpoint. However if it was used as part of the story, if one of the Wolves used it against someone and there was at least some sort of discussion about the savagery of using it, then I wouldn't have an issue with it.

But because it would be used by players, who are meant to be playing as the good guys, it's potential usage would be in poor taste. The good guys would never use a weapon like that. It's obvious from that article that the SEALs who used that weapon in those incidents were not good people.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I've always felt that unless there's a logical reason why something needs to be implemented for use during gameplay it shouldn't be in the game. A tomahawk in a historical game makes sense, in a near future military shooter, not so much.

Unfortunately I'll probably just get downvoted to hell despite addressing something very relevant to the conversation.

Don't apologize it's completely fine!

I appreciate you bringing up your points and the information about this. So thank you again.