almost 4 years ago - /u/Ubi_Hayve - Direct link


During TU 4.0.0 The Teammate Experience, you can earn exclusive items for Ghost Recon Breakpoint!

Redeem Codes

One code will unlock the Arcturus Warrior Full Ghillie Suit and the M4A1 Survival Skin. You can access them directly from Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Delta Company members.

Follow #DeltaLoot and keep an eye on the hashtag activity!

Once you have received your code, you can redeem it using the following link:

The Ghost Recon Delta company members will be giving away codes via the channels mentioned below:

List of Delta Company channels:

Shrapnel 117 - Twitch LoneGhostWolf88 - Twitter Fifty design - Twitter
Phoenix - Twitch Talladir - Twitch ELTITOYOUTUBE - YouTube
LarsDerEisbär - Twitter CieSkay - Twitter ProphetUK - Twitch
BAYZY - YouTube MissAdventure - Twitch Bullet catcher gaming - YouTube
CptKharg - Twitter ROGUE - Twitter Ratchet - Instagram
Hazardrar - YouTube AI BLUEFOX - Forums YannickVersionBeta - Twitch
RaffGN7 - Twitter Cheshire Cat - Twitter HeroRebel - Twitch
TAC - Twitch Killedseth - Twitter Andy Grech - Twitter
Agt.MorganCreed - Twitter Lycántocles - Twitch ASQD Gaming - YouTube
ITK5 - YouTube PekenoSalta - Twitch Damo_kb8 - Twitter
MEMENTO_Fire - Twitter MaNnorG - Twitch the.inked.rabbit - Instagram
ThaFlash - Twitch StipMister - YouTube
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