If you do daily challenges you will get 800 Prestige credits (Recently upped from 400) meaning two Prestige crates a day with that alone. Doing all challenges daily will fill a completion bonus. Every 5 challenges will net a bonus starting with 3 Prestige crates, 5 Prestige crates, then 1 Spec ops crate. Evey 20 Prestige crates you open will give you a choice between 1 free Spec Ops or Ghost War crate. So doing all challenges for one week will land you with 22 Prestige crates, 1 Spec Ops crate, and 1 Spec Ops/Ghost War crate.
Prestige crates offer one item at a time, these include emotes, with duplicates being possible. Duplicates net you Actual credits that go towards buying packs / crates.
Spec Ops/Ghost war crates offer Three guaranteed new items excluding emotes and voice lines.
Point being spend 10-15 mintues a day doing challenges and you can have plenty of new content to play with in no time. Don't play into the "Surprise mechanic" system. Rise above.