almost 5 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

I'll check with the team about being able to download them. It's something you have to set manually on each track when you're uploading them, which is an enormous pain. My guess is it's just an oversight.

Thanks for listening and caring about the music, everyone! This season's music has been one of the most interesting and diverse in the history of the game, in my opinion. I'm always curious how the community will react when the boundaries of what "Guild Wars music" is get pushed, so thank you for being open minded and enthusiastic.

almost 5 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Originally posted by SupremeSausageXXL

that black and white picture, I thought he died at first, phew

almost 5 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Originally posted by laskodemon

Your work in gw2 is incredible. It's a big reason why I became so immersed in the game itself. Arenanet should do all they can to hang onto you and Lena.

Thank you! I'm very glad to still be working on the game after all these years. The world and the immensely talented people that create it are so inspiring and such a joy to work with, and it's so gratifying to know the music touches fans in the way we hope it will.

almost 5 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Originally posted by Skankintoopiv

Honestly, the stark contrast between Directsong to "hey sorry it seems like an oversight you can't download my music for free" is amazing and I'm so happy to have you working on the soundtrack. You've done absolutely fantastic.

Thanks so much. It's a team effort for sure.

almost 5 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Originally posted by Paradachshund

Absolutely love that creepy string heavy piece in Western Bjora that plays in the woods outside the kodan encampment. Very different from other things in the game and I mean that in a very positive way! It made the map feel so much more hostile and creepy.

I don't think that's one of mine, but thank you for listening and taking the time to appreciate!

almost 5 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Originally posted by Anon_throwawayacc20

Boneskinner's theme has to be one of my new favs.

I really do enjoy the new music, and I feel it fits the more boreal motif of Icebrood Saga. Hell, I'm digging the boreal motifs in general!

The Boneskinner track is great, I agree. It's not one of mine, so I can say that humbly! Thank you for listening.