Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

04 Mar

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"Repentance," the next chapter of Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds, is coming soon! Explore mysterious lands, uncover hidden secrets, and embark on epic adventures. Get the details in our latest blog and studio update!

03 Mar

28 Feb

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We're making some updates to our newsletter e-mail system within the next few weeks, and we want to let you know what to expect so you don't miss out on any news. Until now, newsletters have been sent from [email protected], but starting next week, we'll begin sending them from [email protected]. Please whitelist [email protected] to make sure future newsletters don't get sent to your spam folder. If you need help whitelisting an e-mail address, this page has step-by-step instructions for most e-mail providers. Some subscribers may receive one or two more e-mails from [email protected] before it shifts over to ... Read more

27 Feb

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Catch up on ancient lore before the next story update!

18 Feb

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This is great @Sheff.4851, thank you for sharing!
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I have some new info on the schedule for the gathering nodes: The first four are coming with the March 11 update. The next two will come with another update later this year. In the meantime keep that feedback coming--we're keeping an eye on it and noting it to help inform future plans!
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It's time to head into the Mists--WvW Rush is live! From now until February 25 the World vs. World Rush Champion achievement is available, awarding WvW currencies, reward track progress, and weapon skins. You'll also earn 150 Astral Acclaim from the Wizard's Vault for completing all tiers of the achievement. Finally, Greater Call of the Mists is active in WvW throughout the bonus event for extra WXP, Reward Track progress, and Magic Find. Check your in-game mail for a message from Captain Magnus, and have fun!

14 Feb

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Bug Fixes: Energy Expulsion: Fixed an issue that caused this trait to apply longer boon durations than intended in WvW. Bountiful Disillusionment: Fixed an issue that prevented Bladesong Harmony from triggering this trait. Mental Defense: Fixed an issue that caused this trait to always be active. Illusionary Defense: Fixed an issue that caused Bladesong Harmony to trigger this trait. Crashing Courage: Fixed an issue that sometimes caused this skill to have a shorter cooldown than intended in WvW. Fixed an issue that prevented a third player from sitting on the Street Noodles Chair. Fixed an issue that prevented mount skins and mount adoption licenses from being properly displayed in the Gem Store.

13 Feb


Originally posted by Individual-Light-784

I just crafted it after playing the game for over 1000 hours over the past 3 years.

I don't have that much time on my hand so I was really nervous about spending all of my resources on one legendary. I knew I wanted to do it, but it was hard to decide which one. I didn't want to regret it.

So when I finally did, it was kind of a leap of faith.

But then I looked at it on my character I was blown away. What great work you did. The details are breathtaking. It's honestly "too good" in a way. It killed my interest for almost all other skins, and now every character that can hold a greatsword needs all their armor fitted to Exordium to match the style :D.

Again, thank you for this. I really appreciate your hard work. It's made for a really memorable moment. I even called my wife down from upstairs to witness its creation. We awed at it for 20 minutes straight :).

Woo! Grats!!! I'm so glad you ended up loving it! 💕

12 Feb

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Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to attack utility stations when placed.
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Whoops, that's not intended. We're aware and working on it.
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I have alerted firefighters the development teams
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I just want to take a moment to thank all of you in this thread for sharing your thoughts. I've been reading through the comments and will be sharing this with the rest of the team--I appreciate you all taking time to share your thoughts. Thank you again, and please keep the feedback coming!
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Okay, that is hilarious. 😄 Everyone, this is a great conversation and I want to share it with the rest of the studio. That's harder to do when my report ends with "And then it turned into a bunch of arguing". 😉 Help me out here and keep the discussion focused on "We want pants!"
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My pleasure!

11 Feb

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Bug Fix: Water Globe: Fixed an issue that caused this skill to have an incorrect duration.
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I've got an update on this for you: Dune Rollers will be re-enabled with the March 11 game update. Thanks for being patient as we sorted out the issues on this one!
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Thanks @stewie.5603 for posting this here, and thanks to our Customer Support lead for pointing me this way! I'm going to pass this thread on to some others on the team to let them know about the interest!
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Uh... uh... HERE runs away

10 Feb

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Mark your calendars: the next major update to Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds will be live March 11! We know that many of you want to plan time for plenty of gameplay starting on day one, including the Mount Balrior raid challenge mode, so we want to make sure you can do that. The update will include the raid CM, a new map, story chapters, relics, Mastery updates, and lots more. We'll also be following challenge mode with legendary mode a few weeks later—look for that on March 25. We'll have lots more information shortly before the release—stay tuned!