Huge, super looking forward to this!
I just crafted it after playing the game for over 1000 hours over the past 3 years.
I don't have that much time on my hand so I was really nervous about spending all of my resources on one legendary. I knew I wanted to do it, but it was hard to decide which one. I didn't want to regret it.
So when I finally did, it was kind of a leap of faith.
But then I looked at it on my character I was blown away. What great work you did. The details are breathtaking. It's honestly "too good" in a way. It killed my interest for almost all other skins, and now every character that can hold a greatsword needs all their armor fitted to Exordium to match the style :D.
Again, thank you for this. I really appreciate your hard work. It's made for a really memorable moment. I even called my wife down from upstairs to witness its creation. We awed at it for 20 minutes straight :).
Woo! Grats!!! I'm so glad you ended up loving it! 💕