It was recently my birthday, so I got a gem card from my friend. I went right to the bank and clicked the lock and expanded my bank. When I did this, there was no more lock. I was a bit saddened by this, because there seemed to be no limit on character slots from what I have seen from my friend's amount of alts.
I did not know what to do with the rest of my gems, so I browsed the various gem store tabs. I eventually landed on the upgrade tab. Here there is an item that says:
"Bank Tab Expansion Adds an extra bank tab for your account. Each account can purchase up to 7 additional tabs including any previously purchased in game.
Consumable Account bound"
To me, this sounded like I could purchase 7 MORE of these bank tabs from the gem store INCLUDING the ones I bought IN GAME (AKA, clicking the lock at the bank). I was excited. There was no way to buy this item last time I bought bank space, so this seemed like an extra way to expand the bank further.
The word "additional" and "including the ones previously purchased in game" threw me off into thinking these two two separate things.
When I double-clicked the item however, it said I had too many tabs.
Now I am left with an item I cannot trade or use. I can only right click it and destroy it. I was upset the gem store let me confirm a purchase that I can't even USE.
I went to GW2 support. All of my guild friends said I should make a ticket with support. I had already made one when I told most of them what happened. Not a single one of them thought I would NOT be refunded my Gems.
Guess what? No refunds.
After a small string of emails, I end with this.
"Hello Latromi,
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.
Purchases from the gem store are not always refundable, and in this case we are not able to provide a refund of your purchase. Please be careful when choosing which items to purchase in the gem store. If we can try to assist you with any other issue, please let us know.
GM Barracuda Guild Wars 2 Support Team"
This to me, is nonsense. They have the money either way. All I am asking is that I can be refunded the gems that I used on an item that can't be traded or sold in any way. If I could give this item to my friend and save him 10 bucks, I would let it slide, but I can't even do THAT.
So everyone here who is buying ANYTHING with gems, don't expect any refunds from GW2 Support, even if it was an honest to god mistake and now you can't use your item. Even with dates and times and proof of purchase. . . they will NOT give you ANY help.
I personally will not be using the gem store ever again unless my gems are refunded. This is the poorest customer service I have ever experienced for any game.
TL;DR: I bought too many bank tab expansions through accident and misunderstanding and GW2 support will not offer any refunds. I am pretty annoyed right now. I wasted my friends birthday present to me.
UPDATE I HAVE gotten a refund of my gems. Gaile Grey personally replied to my post on the official forums, and Arenanet Support replied here on Reddit as well. I really hope that this causes some changes to be made in the future to both the customer support checks as well as the in-game gem store systems. I really do love GW2, and I honestly have no plans to stop using the Gem Store. Thank you again to everyone who helped with your kind responses and personal experiences with Anet support, especially those of you who told me to go to the official forums, because I honestly never would have even thought to do so.
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