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Hi all!


I decided to participated in Extra Life this year. My name is Lester Bloom and I am gameplay programmer working on Gw2. If you are not familiar with Extra Life, the short version is that gamers get together on November 7th to stream games for 24 hours straight. The goal is to generate donations that will benefit children's hospitals all across the US. You can find more info here, About Extra Life

First, let me set the expectations. This is not an official ArenaNet event. I am putting this together as a personal endeavor. I just think this is a good opportunity to have fun with you all and do some good at the same time.

I will be streaming Gw2 for 24 hours starting on Saturday the 7th at 8am PST until Sunday the 8th at 8am PST. I put together a rough schedule for the stream. As a fun bonus, a few of my coworkers will be joining me for some of the sections.


The highest donor will receive a signed copy of Guild Wars 1 and Heart of Thorns reddit link

As a nice treat, one coworker graciously donated 4 gem cards, each worth 400 gems, for me to give out as prizes at random points in the stream. Make sure to tune in for a chance :)

Stream Schedule

All times are PST, and I will be playing on NA.

  • 8am - 11:50am

Jungle open world / adventures (4hrs). Feel free to login and join me.

  • 12noon - 1:50pm

pvp (2hrs). A few members from the pvp team will be joining me on vent; Hugh Norfolk, Evan Lesh, and Joshua "Grouch" Davis. And, as an extra bonus, Jebro will be playing with us as well!

  • 2:30pm - 4:50pm

fractals (2.5hr). Four of us that worked on the HoT fractals feature will be playing together and chatting on vent. It will consist of me, Mike Zadorojny, Cameron Rich, and Matt Lambdin.

  • 5pm - 7:00pm

wvw (2hr). The guild Rage Alliance [RAGE] will be letting me tag along with them, and we will be conquering WvW in the name of Stormbluff Isle. Feel free to join as us or one of the enemy servers in game.

  • 7:30pm - 9:20pm

new character (2h). I will be making a new Sylvari Revenant. Do the same and join our army of new toons.

  • 9:30pm - 10:50pm

fractals (1.5hr). Joe Kimmes and I will be running the new fractal content. We worked together on some of the new HoT features.

  • 11:30pm - 1:20am

Guild hall help (2hr). 1 guild will win a chance for me to join you and help claim a guild hall. Or, if the guild already has a guild hall, I can try to help upgrade it.

  • 1:30am - 5:20am

Jungle open world / adventures (4hr). More jungle, because I just can't get enough! Feel free to log in and join us. Also, we got a couple other devs to join in on the fun here. Including the always exciting Joel Helmich.

  • 6am - 7:50am

Jumping puzzle delirium (2hr). Watch me try to get through some of the tougher jumping puzzles (that I haven't already done) after being awake for almost 24 hours. Bring your facepalm links. Josh Foreman will be joining us on chat as I attempt some of his harder masterpieces.


Here is my twitch channel

Please consider donating at my Extra Life Donation and sharing it with your friends and family.

I was a Gw2 player before I joined the company, and I know first hand just how amazing the community can be. You all have shown your generosity by sending us cupcakes, letters, and all sorts of heart felt messages. How about we direct that awesomeness at some kids that could really use the help?

Thanks all Les


Edit 1: Gw2 dev Joel Helmich will be joining us for the 1:30am jungle session.

Edit 2: I changed the 6am session from HoT personal story runs to jumping puzzle attempts. It seemed like a bad idea to end the stream doing content that some/most viewers won't want to watch, because of spoilers. So, instead, I will end the stream with the ability for you all to cringe at my JP abilities :)

Edit 3: New contests added!

Edit 4: Josh Foreman will be watching and chatting as I try to tackle his devious jumping puzzles with no sleep.

Edit 5: Jebro will be playing during the pvp session with us.

External link →
over 8 years ago - /u/Anet_Goremond - Direct link

Originally posted by ikolam

Scheduled a hosting :D Going to be fun to hang out! Hope we are awake when you're playing a new character! Got lowbies on NA, but main on EU :)

Awesome news. Thank you for the support :)

over 8 years ago - /u/Anet_Goremond - Direct link

I just learned that Josh Foreman will be joining us at 6am to heckle me as I repeatedly fail some of his toughest jumping puzzles!

over 8 years ago - /u/Anet_Goremond - Direct link

I am happy to announce that Jebro will be joining us for the pvp session!