Warrior and Revenant POV from Drazeh
Sup reddit, I don't intend to go on here and advertise every time I post a video unless I feel like it definitely calls for your attention. However, with the world championships coming up I'll take the chance to promote the new video and call attention to the fact that we will be playing the world championships the 17th.
This is the first video on my channel that doesnt feature me, a subgoal that I deeply regret making because I didn't realize it would take over 24 hours for drazeh to upload a single youtube video, meaning that we could not get clips from multiple games which made the vid rather short. The next parts featuring Drazeh will be me spectating his duels with similiar editing and they'll truly showcase his insane skill.
If you're new to the PVP scene; here is an introduction to the teams playing
The world championship is going to be the largest eSports event to date and the meta has never been wilder than now.
Information on the event can be found here
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