over 1 year
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Of course by “discover,” we mean “receive in exchange for currency acquired by completing objectives,” and by “wonders,” we mean “reward items,” but that’d be a very cumbersome title indeed...
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I've got an answer to some questions I've seen frequently in this thread, so I'm going to add them here to make sure they're easily found!
Q: What about Mystic Coins, Laurels, Mystic Clovers, gold, and achievement points that we were getting with dailies?
A: Gold, Laurels, Mystic Clovers, and Mystic Coins can all be purchased in the Wizard's Vault for completing your daily objectives. Daily achievement points will still be available as well, you'll earn them by completing your Wizard's Vault daily objectives.
*Edited to specify that Mystic Clovers are available as well*
One change the Wizard's Vault brings for these daily items is that you can choose the order of what you get. So for example if you are currently focused on Mystic Coins, you can keep buying those and save the other items for later.
Q: Are there still daily login rewards?
A: There will be one objective every day for logging in. This objective gives 5 astral acclaim (standard daily objectives give 10).