Bring me the finest food you got stuffed with the second finest.
Definitely one of the funnier Simpsons gags from *checks notes* season 9.
Excuse me while I crumble into dust.
π I felt this in my soul
My first thought was, "Oh, this is one of the more recent jokes," not realizing that time has only accelerated, and this was from the 20th century.
Here's a weird gen x take: while, yes, the earlier seasons were indeed the golden age of the Simpsons, the recent seasons have been pretty great IMO. I stopped watching around season 15 and have only now gone back and started catching up on everything since and have found some gems that were made in the past 20 years. Hell, even the past few seasons have had some fantastic episodes.
It's weird when you can go back through an entire season of the Simpson's and Family Guy and get a different level of references and humor and then it smacks you in the face that it's a 20 yo joke/meme. Omg it makes me feel like I've teleported through time. Like, good god it's like finding a newgrounds video on youtube, I feel it in the gut.
I did the same thing with Supernatural and I feel like I'm watching an entirely different show, not because of plot changes but because I have a WAAAAAY different mindset going into it than I did watching it years ago.
Amazing how life gives you the wisdom to see the same thing differently over time.