"Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation..."
Last week, like many pvers I was roaming around to finally get my Gift of Battle. I was in EB, and I managed to find a small batch of roamers, but we Blue didn't have a pug or commander. We start conquering keeps and camps, so I decide to make a party. Except that I misclick and I create a squad, but I don't notice until it's too late.
All of a sudden my tag is in the air and waves of people start flashing to us. When I see too many numbers I realize that's no party and my anxious ass starts feeling the weight of responsibility. I explain people in squad it was a mistake, that I'm almost done with my gift and am a total noob in WvW. I get killed all the time and don't know what to do. They smile and ask "Where next, commander?". Suddenly I feel a rush, like destiny has chosen me. Maybe this is my call to something bigger than fractals. The track completes. I got my Gift of Battle but I don't have the heart to leave my newly formed squad. They are my children now and they are looking at me with puppy eyes. One random guy suggests to assault the closer tower. I immediately make him my Lieutenant.
Suddenly Red attacks the middle castle. They have stormed the first walls and are now at the inner gate. I immediately rush to defend it, arrow charts and people repairing the gate from the inside. We can manage to stall them, but I feel this is gonna be my Waterloo. Of course I'm the first to die caught in aoes behind the gate, but squad knows what he has to do. They have been forged by countless battles. We stall them enough that they are forced to retreat. The assault is repelled. We won. I cheer while people are ressing me.
My squad was waiting for my orders, so I did what everybody would do. I looked at chat for help. "Think, think, think, what you gotta do?!". All of a sudden, something cracked. I felt like I could immediately understand team chat. All this reports I couldn't get before now made sense. Red is attacking Green, and any wise commander would have known this was the perfect chance to circle-jerk Red's sites while they were busy. Someone in squad even suggested to take their empty sites. But I wasn't any wise commander, and I sadly never circle-jerked in my life before, so I decided to do the dumbest thing ever. We would assault Green's Keep while Red was inside and take both down. I could hear Kormir cheering me up. This was my moment. I deserved this.
We swiftly move to the keep. We kill the guards, smash the doors and there they are. Champion is at half health, Red and Green in the distance are fighting each other. My pve brain decides to pull a Sun Tzu and thinks if we kill champion first while they are busy fighting we can conquer the keep. So we focus champion while Red, noticing us, decides to intervene. What happens next is the most glorious WvW I have ever played. We try to close Red in the middle while Green pushes on the other side, but Red is absurdly strong. We don't have the numbers to compete. I die first in the front line, obv.
Red conquers the keep. We are forced to retreat. I bid farewell to my squad and am sorry for leading them to doom. But squad smiles and cheers me up. They thank me for leading them and say I was a good commander. It's a terrible day for rain. Now I can't wait to play more WvW.
tl,dr: I was a gift of battle virgin, became a commander by mistake, and now I love WvW.
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