Original Post — Direct link
about 8 years ago - /u/Anet_KarlMcLain - Direct link

Originally posted by ggunslinger

Removed this ability’s interaction with quickness.

What the HELL.

I mean, Weakening Charge was still better than quickened Vault, but Vault wasn't as clunky to use as WC rotation. Now we're back to turning autotargetting off or what? Please don't let it be true.

EDIT: For those who didn't know, it's propably caused by a bug with Vault and quickness. Basically quickness makes the attack happen while you're still in the air, not on target location. It's not noticable in melee range, but it completely negates your damage on far targets.

Hopefully this interaction will return after they find a fix, but it feels f**king bad man.

The new interaction with quickness (and slow) indeed did turn out to be more detrimental than we had desired. As such, we're pulling the change time-scaling change for now. If we can get the code to work right at all ranges, we'll give it another go!