Original Post — Direct link

Would anyone be interested in buying one of these https://orig00.deviantart.net/0652/f/2018/071/a/0/fdgsdfg_by_grimdodger-dc5qm1b.jpg

for 25g? Will added a colored version for free. (But tips are appreciated ;D) I'm really trying to get a few of the bloodstone weapons and haven't gotten the chance to play too much. I'm new to them but I'm also willing to give charr and asura a shot. Thanks so much for reading!

Edit: Holy crap. I did NOT expect this much attention. To make sure I don't lose anyone's replies or offers, please contact me on discord! Ace#8778 Thank you all so much!!

Edit2: Oh my god they keep coming! I have to go back on my free color offer- a flat color would be an extra 15g. Thanks again for all the interest everyone!! Also PLEASE BE PATIENT, the list is huge but I'm gonna try to get to everyone!!

Edit3: Wow! I’m going to have to close this for now, I can’t keep up! Thanks again to everyone, I’ll be opening this back up in the future! <3

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over 6 years ago - /u/ANet_Nick - Direct link

Originally posted by JinxedAndJaded

Gosh I'm gonna cry. Thank you so much!! Like I've told the others, I think I'm just going to stick with 25 for now and then maybe the next time I try this I'll get the courage to bump it up. I've just been trying to do this for awhile on a couple of discords and it's never worked so I just want SOMETHING at this point. Haha And sure, please do send me some of your charr! I'll do my best!

I'm astounded at the positivity coming from this thread. It's well deserved because your art is great. They're right, never sell yourself short! :)