about 8 years ago - /u/ArenaNetEvanL - Direct link

Originally posted by razor123456789101

This might be a reaction to the complaints from lower divisions. But can't they just have the algorithm try and make balanced teams for them while still allowing change? There's more population in lower divisions so it might not strain the queue times too much.

Anyway, the more I think about it, the less I'm in favor.

The matchmaker already attempts to avoid class stacking, but it isn't strictly enforced. However, locking characters lets the matchmaking start using profession MMR instead of only account-wide MMR for matchmaking.

about 8 years ago - /u/ArenaNetEvanL - Direct link

Originally posted by Qewki

Locking profession would allow player profession to be accounted for to increase matchmaking accuracy

So is that profession-specific mmr or only to prevent class-stacking? If the former, what would become of having a unique skill rating for ranked seasons?

If we lock characters on queue, we could start using profession MMR.

about 8 years ago - /u/ArenaNetEvanL - Direct link

Originally posted by _Sorrows_

They can't ever guarantee only 1 of a class because duos can have 2 of a class. The system will most likely try and take 2 single players of that class within rating range and put them on the other team if possible. It'll never be perfect matches.

If we wanted to enforce a limit on profession counts, we'd have to put the same rules on premades, so a party with duplicate professions would not be allowed to queue.

about 8 years ago - /u/ArenaNetEvanL - Direct link

Originally posted by RomoSSJ5

So... Question.

If they're not allowed to come back. That means automatic loss for the team. Basically meaning the whole team pays if someone messes up. Same thing with d/c's

They can come back if they go back to the character they queued with.

about 8 years ago - /u/ArenaNetEvanL - Direct link

Originally posted by lolcheme

so is this also character locking? Or if someone had two characters with the same profession but different builds would that be ok?

It would also be character locking.