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Our daughter is two years old now (both in-game and IRL), and is becoming more and more independent and willful, which seems to suggest she may be entering a new phase of her development. We know both Glint and Vlast could communicate with the races of Tyria, so it's reasonable to assume that Aurene will also begin communicating with us at some point.

We know next to nothing about how scions age and develop, but we do know that Vlast was able to "talk" when he was only roughly four times

Aurene's current size
. Comparing his size to that of his fully-grown (we can only assume) mother, Glint
, he must have still been relatively young when we saw him. If Aurene goes through another sudden growth spurt after we defeat Kralk, which I assume will be at the end of the current LW season, she may very well send this season at the same size Vlast was in PoF, which means she could be talking very soon indeed.

Assuming Aurene is currently in an adolescent stage, and that absorbing Kralk's magic would push her into her next stage of development, do you think her personality (and voice) will be that of an adult, or will they portray her as a "teen", or even an older child? Which would you prefer?

I think a sudden shift from Aurene's current non-verbal, super-intelligent animal companion to fully-realized, voiced character would be a big shock to players. Then again, a slower transition over a period of time might seem anti-climactic and awkward. Anet tends to end LW seasons with a bit of a gut-punch, so I assume they would have her change be a sudden one.

Do you think she will view the Commander as a parent, or more of a teammate? If she eventually assumes the role of Elder Dragon, I can't imagine that she would continue to view the Commander as anything but a former acquaintance after a certain point. I'd hate to lose that relationship we have with her, but I just don't see how it could go on if she's unimaginably powerful.


EDIT: Two hours later I notice the typo in the title. It should read "At what point". Apologies.

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about 6 years ago - /u/Anet-TomAbernathy - Direct link

Originally posted by 50-Shades-Of-Gaile

Imagine if she starts talking and she's voiced by James Earl Jones. Thats the plot twist Im waiting for.


about 6 years ago - /u/Anet-TomAbernathy - Direct link

Originally posted by Chiorydax

She'll probably view the Commander in a similar way we viewed someone like Forgal. He naturally had a parental air to him, but at no point did we feel like he was unquestionably in control. We were still teammates, mostly. He just had more experience.

As far as her voice, I don't trust child actors enough to deliver. She'll probably sound like a young adult if/when she starts talking.

FYI, we use adult actors even for child roles. (Many female VO actors have amazing range and can convincingly play kids of any gender.)

about 6 years ago - /u/Anet-TomAbernathy - Direct link

Originally posted by Naqaj_

Not for much longer

RE Taimi, if you check out my posts after S4E1, you’ll get a sense of what’s ahead for her. We have a lot of players living with disabilities and the last thing we would want to do is simply exploit her disease for cheap pathos. Not interesting to us.

RE Debi voicing Aurene, that’s a pretty funny idea. :-)

about 6 years ago - /u/Anet-TomAbernathy - Direct link

This thread delights Eve and me. You guys are asking all the right questions. Answers will begin to come next Tuesday. ;-)