about 2 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Hi all. Normally I wouldn't come here to shill something like this, but this may be the only opportunity to get a copy of the End of Dragons vinyl if you missed the pre-order. Don't hesitate! It's incredible looking and a perfect compliment to the Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire collections.

They'll be available on the iam8bit website on Tuesday Feb. 7th at 10 AM Pacific Time.


EDIT: To those asking about reissues of the HoT and PoF vinyls, I would love for that to happen but I have no control over it. I've asked them nicely a few times, but it has to make business sense for them. I think there would be enough of a market, but I don't know for sure. If this one sells out (hint hint) then maybe that will send a signal.