over 10 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by howellq

Done! http://i.imgur.com/pQxV3rM.jpg (low quality though)

edit: someone posted a higher quality solution too https://twitter.com/Westraid/status/494136300988280832/photo/1

We will be publishing a higher quality with our release page later today.

over 10 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by Coffee4cr

For the next time we need to do this


Handy tool, thanks :)

over 10 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by ReMarkable91

Care to share who it is? Or just a random mad charr?

I don't want to give that away, all will become apparent later today :)

over 10 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by malgalad

that cutting issues... https://imgur.com/43Zo2Cz

When I made the Taimi teaser last week the exact same thing happened to me!!! (not a Photoshop newbie either)

over 10 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by dreadful05

Figured I might as well ask here. Can you please ask the people that design the armor. To make some medium chest armor that's not a coat or trench coat.

While we read Reddit and do pick up feedback from here, I believe something like this requires more community involvement - I will pass it along though.

Currently the best place to start discussions about this sort of thing are on our official forums: http://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum