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Hi all,

Today we launched episode five, “Flashpoint”, a big story episode and the second-to-last episode of the season. I hope you’re all enjoying it! Along with the new episode we also launched legendary armor plus the new legendary weapon Flames of War.

There’s a lot going on, but as much as possible we’ve been in the game today playing with you. As is our tradition, let’s take a break now and chat about this release.

Here’s who we have joining us today.

From the Living World team – Aaron Roxby, Angel McCoy, Andrew McLeod, Charlie Engelhard, Joe Kimmes, Link Hughes, Linsey Murdock, Melina Mitchell, Tyler Bearce

From the legendary armor team – Paul Ella

From the PvP and WvW teams – Ben Phongluangtham, Grant Gertz

From the Fractals and Raids teams – Ben Arnold, Jason Reynolds

From the engine team – Ester Sauter, Jon Olson

From the QA core team – Elizabeth Bergeron

From the comms team – Elisabeth Cardy, Gaile Gray

And we’ll loop in some others as we go. Now let’s get this started! Ask away.


Edit: It's time to wrap up. Thanks for joining us and for all the great questions today! We'll see you back in the game.

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almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Grant - Direct link

Originally posted by Kcquipor

Any news on WvWvW improvements ?

We like Skirmishes and are looking to support this with rewards in the future. In general, for WvW, our priorities are rewards and ascended equipment.

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by TEGG_2859

Regarding legendary armors:

How do you address the backpack hovering on light, the tail-clipping on medium, and the undyeablility on heavy?

The backpacks are fixed to the same attach point as other back items such as weapons. If we left the attach point where it normally resides and you were to carry a staff then it would clip through the back of the light armor. We moved the attach point out to prevent this clipping. We have seen the medium armor tail clip and it seems to be an issue we thought had been addressed. A correction is in the works and will hopefully ship with the next release. I am not sure what you mean about the heavy not being dyable - can you elaborate?

almost 8 years ago - /u/Anet-TylerB - Direct link

Originally posted by Harambe_Was_Right

Hey guys, just wanted to say great job on the update!

Only one question, will we be able to use the new mastery outside of the new map?

I'd say that it's unlikely that we'll include the new mastery in other maps, but it's not an impossibility. It's relatively easy to add Oakheart's Essence nodes wherever we want, but the big cost is making sure that the grappling hook mechanic doesn't 'break' any map that it's included in. Draconis Mons was a map that was built specifically with this mastery in mind.

almost 8 years ago - /u/Anet_Melina - Direct link

Originally posted by noodle_bear

I just want to tell whoever made that jumping puzzle that you're an absolute madman.

In all seriousness though, after trying to find my way around for around 3 hours, I finally finished it! I loved it. Especially at the end where I kept using my charges on the grappling mastery and realizing there was yet another room after I should've saved them for.

Never stop making this kind of content!

Hehe it was created by the same artist who made the previous Fire Islands map...and he did the Mad King Clock Tower.... :)

I'll pass along the message, though!

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by -Cubie-

People are experiencing issues where their Shadow Abyss dye makes their Heavy Legendary Armor silver rather than black.

ok we'll take a look at that. I know we made the heavy armor dyes a little more subdued to maintain the heavy metallic feel - but that sounds like a tech issue. Thanks for the heads-up.

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Rahlek - Direct link

Originally posted by noodle_bear

I just want to tell whoever made that jumping puzzle that you're an absolute madman.

In all seriousness though, after trying to find my way around for around 3 hours, I finally finished it! I loved it. Especially at the end where I kept using my charges on the grappling mastery and realizing there was yet another room after I should've saved them for.

Never stop making this kind of content!

You know, I haven't done that one yet... The more wicked the better, though, I say!!

almost 8 years ago - /u/anet_charliee - Direct link

Originally posted by -Cubie-

Hey, I've got a couple of questions.

Will you, for upcoming maps, include meta-events like Auric Basin or Verdant Brink that require coordination and teamwork? The coordination and teamwork required in AB and VB metas make them so much more fun, interesting and challenging to beat, unlike DS and TD which is mostly "get enough people to each lane, and do the events that pop up".

Will we see more 'vertical' maps such as the new one or VB? I quite enjoy the change of pase these maps give over flatlands like most of the original maps. And if so, will we see the new Mastery in upcoming maps again?

Vertical maps provide for some tough challenges in development. We like to use them when there are other aspects of the map that make it worth it. For instance, episode 1 had its glider skills, and episode 5 has the Oakheart Essences.

almost 8 years ago - /u/Anet-TylerB - Direct link

Originally posted by noodle_bear

I just want to tell whoever made that jumping puzzle that you're an absolute madman.

In all seriousness though, after trying to find my way around for around 3 hours, I finally finished it! I loved it. Especially at the end where I kept using my charges on the grappling mastery and realizing there was yet another room after I should've saved them for.

Never stop making this kind of content!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Josh Foreman was the team's environment artist for the jumping puzzle (and the entire Draconis Mons map), and I implemented the jumping puzzle's checkpoint mechanic and the new mastery.

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by Charrikayu

About legendary armor, as the resident Charr armor advocate:

As I've mentioned in other threads, I really applaud the hard work and technology that went into creating these sets. It seems like no small feat and I don't want to diminish that achievement. That said, I think the achievement is self-diminishing in that it contains some of the same problems which have plagued armor in GW2 for years. Hoods needs to be designed for Charr. Asura also suffer from this problem, their ears unconvincingly "tucked" into the hood. There's also the matter of tail clipping on medium, as well as the mask for the light armor, but I don't want to build of a litany of problems rather than speak to my actual point.

That point being: why? I really feel like this was the one time that any non-cultural armor set could have gone above and beyond, and yet it's still weighed down by these issues. Why not adjust the design to accommodate multiple races? Or why not select a design that can better accommodate multiple races with less work? Charr can wear hoods but they need to be designed for them. I know Anet is capable of this. As recently as the wedding attire it's been proven that when the races have outfits and armor designed specifically for them they fit anatomical considerations splendidly. I really notice the difference between things like Rox's female outfit, designed on a Charr, and the male outfit, designed on a human.

I'm not oblivious to design costs or trade-offs. I understand that work has to go into these things, and it's time-consuming. It just really bothers me that this was the one instance where so much time was spent on the particulars of animating the armor, and we couldn't even get the basics of making sure the armor fit all the races to a T. Don't get me wrong, I really like the armors otherwise and they're really splendid, but I feel like you ran a marathon and tripped at the finish. This was an opportunity to say "look at how far we've come with our armor technology" and heap praise on it, and instead it's weighed down by "yeah, but Anet is still putting human armor on non-humans."

So I'm asking, because I've never really had a direct response to this subject in my four years of advocating for it, why not focus on making sure the design fits all the races before animating? Why not choose a design more beneficial to all the races? And, will this problem ever be addressed or resolved going forward? Not just for legendary armor, but in general. It gets very tiring to have to hope for cultural armor to have these grievances addressed, and it feels especially hopeless when even legendary armor can't accomplish it.

All we're asking is for armor for our Charr and our Asura that looks as good on them as it does on humans. I'm really proud of the awesome work that legendary armor got. It's some seriously intense advancement in animation and the game is going to be better for it. I just really hope that one day we can have as much attention given to the anatomical particulars of our favorite races.

Ok so for the ears and horns being blocked off by helmets this really comes down to the issue of initial character creation having so many options for the location of those items. It would be a huge amount of work for us to have to create individual head pieces for each of those combinations. We would then also need to develop some kind of tech that would be able to determine what combination of ears / horns you have on your character and provide the appropriate head piece. So where ever we have full head enclosed helmets / head pieces this is the the issue we would be constantly running into.

almost 8 years ago - /u/LinkHughes - Direct link

Originally posted by Hajiishere

What inspired you into making MMO's?

I fell in love with the power of MMOs to connect people across social boundaries. In the online worlds that I've spent a lot of time in, I've made friends that I would likely never have encountered in the context of my usual social circles, and I treasure knowing those people.

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Rahlek - Direct link

Originally posted by Hajiishere

What inspired you into making MMO's?

Honestly, I have been playing MMO's since the days of Asheron's Call. I've always loved the open worlds, the ability to explore and fight for causes much bigger than myself. (I guess that's why I do so much charity work IRL!) I decided (a little later than most) that games were what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, so I put myself through school and made it happen with perseverance and hard work. I've basically played most of the more popular MMOs, and a few that maybe aren't quite so popular... and overall just prefer them to any other sort of game. I've played GW2 since launch as well as some GW1 (long before I worked here at ANet) and decided working at this studio was my dream job. 8 years and a cross country move later, here I am! :) Are you considering a career in games?

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by HeavyTankZA

to the armor devs, love the work on the legendary armor, however my playtime is very limited and unable to do the raids due to real life commitments (I am sad missing this content), will there be another set down the line to go for? say via a very long sequence of gee I dunno, 20 or so subsequent collections?

I think one set is sufficient for now. We have no plans to release another set of legendary armor in the future.

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Roxby - Direct link

Originally posted by Teranas

Honestly, this is the best episode you ever created.

Thank you!

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by SergeAzel

People have been throwing a lot of salt about the new armor but I gotta say I love it - and if these things are able to be ironed out, even better!

Thank you!


almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by Rylen_018

The heavy armor is too "shiny" and metalic so most dark dyes look lighter than they should.

Gonna have a look at this.

almost 8 years ago - /u/Anet-TylerB - Direct link

Originally posted by InspiringCalmness

Im really impressed with the new map!
Did you plan on making it that big or did it kinda just ended up with that size after you implemented everything you wanted to be there?

The map definitely ended up being bigger than we were initially expecting. The original design called for 4 big islands of content, arranged in cardinal directions (to help with navigation), and a little bit of connecting terrain between them. As we worked on it though, the map grew to become more and more layered. Still we are pretty happy with the end result :)

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by EdhelGaladhrim

Hi! Firstly, I want to thank you all for the hard work that you guys do and everything you put up with. It's truly remarkable and your guys' game is simply breath taking. Secondly, as someone who's studied Latin for five years, I was wondering why you chose the name Draconis Mons for the new map. Also, do you all have a Latin expert, or did you use the internet to come up with the name? (If the latter is true, very impressive because Latin is quite the difficult language)

Thank YOU for playing. So glad you're enjoying it! The fact that you're asking this question tells me that you've translated it. We wanted a name that accurately represented the theme of what's happening here and with the layout of the map. We chose from a long list of suggestions, but this one seemed the most appropriate. I'm not sure if we have an "expert," but we do have several writers who dabble, at minimum. :)

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by Mireles

Just wanted to say great job on the armor.

The ability to swap upgrades and stats without destroying them and creating multiple sets of gear is a much needed feature in the game.

I was wondering if we are going to see legendary trinkets and the upgrade swap option expanded to weapons?

Also is the whole rune swap to inventory the ideal solution or is this just something easy to implement to hold us over on a more convenient solution?

We have no plans to make changes to the rune swapping mechanism for the armor.

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Rahlek - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


I played a bit of it. ;)

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Rahlek - Direct link

Originally posted by GaileGray

Anything from the Halloween Festival that isn't already available in the guild hall. I <3 Tyrian Halloween soooo much!

You and me, both!

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by CrystallineSugar

Paul Ella, is there any chance we'll get sigil swapping on legendary weapons?

We had originally intended that you should be able to change the sigils in the same way as runes for armor (so we had thought of it for everyone out there who thought we forgot :) ). However, when we started our economic impact analysis it became clear that we needed to do a deeper investigation to assess potential risks we had not previously foreseen. The investigation is currently ongoing.

almost 8 years ago - /u/Anet_Melina - Direct link

Originally posted by kemzan

Hello. I may be wrong,but the mastery for the new map fall under exalted magic,and that is unlocked by a map that I don't have because I came back to the game earliear. Is that correct? Any plans on changing that so the new map unlocks exalted magic too?

The Mastery for the new map falls under the Ancient Magics line (all of the Living World Masteries have been located in that line).

almost 8 years ago - /u/LinkHughes - Direct link

Originally posted by EdhelGaladhrim

Hi! Firstly, I want to thank you all for the hard work that you guys do and everything you put up with. It's truly remarkable and your guys' game is simply breath taking. Secondly, as someone who's studied Latin for five years, I was wondering why you chose the name Draconis Mons for the new map. Also, do you all have a Latin expert, or did you use the internet to come up with the name? (If the latter is true, very impressive because Latin is quite the difficult language)

Gratias tibi. Latine bona est!

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Grant - Direct link

Originally posted by Captain_Ozone

Any time table other than by end of year? Are we going to have to wait for the expansion for it?

The WvW team releases their content when it is ready. We have a variety of things in work, some further along, some still early in development. The team wants nothing more than to deliver great content for WvW but making changes for the game mode is rarely trivial. The team wants to make sure that large system and content changes are given proper due diligence and are in a position to have the best possible impact for WvW players.

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by regendo

I realize you won't be able to talk about major story topics and your reasons behind the quite disliked direction the story took in this patch so I'll spare you that question. There's one smaller detail that I noticed though that surprised me.

At one point in the story, while we're on comms with Taimi, the player character talks about . That's news to me! They're nature spirits alright but I wasn't aware of any connection like this.

Is this new lore that we just didn't know about previously?

Hi! Thanks for the question. This wasn't meant to imply that the spirits here are the norn Spirits of the Wild. Rather, the PC is being sassy and playing with Taimi a bit. It's meant as a bit of sarcasm, not literal. We haven't changed the lore. :)

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by toaster_messiah

Currently, Juggernaut's armor-coating effect doesn't work with any kind of armor piece if you have a legendary armor piece equipped. (At least this is the case for heavy armor)

Is this an intended behaviour (though I suppose not, since it completely makes the weapon irrelevant with legendary armor); and if not, can we expect a quick fix on that. I just crated my breastplate (still need more of those sweet sweet provisioner tokens) and honestly have regrets because I love my Juggernaut.

This is absolutely not the way it should work. We made a conscious decision that any weapon with an effect such as juggernaut should continue to work with legendary armor - and as of yesterday that was working in the development branch. I suspect some Live branch shenanigans and I will look into whats happened.

almost 8 years ago - /u/Anet-TylerB - Direct link

Originally posted by EdhelGaladhrim

Hi! Firstly, I want to thank you all for the hard work that you guys do and everything you put up with. It's truly remarkable and your guys' game is simply breath taking. Secondly, as someone who's studied Latin for five years, I was wondering why you chose the name Draconis Mons for the new map. Also, do you all have a Latin expert, or did you use the internet to come up with the name? (If the latter is true, very impressive because Latin is quite the difficult language)

The map was originally named Mantlerock Scald, but we thought it was unrealistic that such a big mountain wouldn't have a name like Mount Everest or Mount Rainier. We took inspiration from Olympus Mons, the largest volcano on Mars. Adding 'Draconis' to the name was a short leap from there.

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by Olmega

will there be any more alterations to legendary armor in terms of looks or are we gonna get additional functionality to allow for transmutation charges to not be consumed?

Beyond the fix for the Charr medium tail issue we have no more changes planned.

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by fearne_ib

For the Living World team: after Braham's change in A Crack in the Ice and spoiler do you have plans for a lot more character development of the NPCs in future LW/expac story? Previously NPCs seemed to keep the same personalities as the plot progressed, but as bigger and bigger events happen, will we see more changes in our friends and allies?

Our main characters are integral to the PC's story, so yes, you will see more evolution as events progress. You're already seeing evidence of the changes these characters are undergoing.

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by GlossGhost

Ella, I know the Legendary Armor is probably a really sensitive topic to talk about to you people who spent so much time on making them and implementing the system, but the majority from what I have seen seems to be on the negative side in terms of how those look. Is there any chance our future armors can be, oh I don't know, maybe the word "sleeker" is nice to classify as. Look at Duelist Coat for example for Medium, It is so beautiful and gentle, what about Carapace, it's incredibly good and I was so glad that armor existed in the game back when I was new to it, things along the lines. Now maybe you have a different philosophy when making armor like that, but I would still like to see some really stylish armors in the game. I can't help but feel the efforts you put into making them, although they have amazing baseline, rune swapping and stat swapping, proper animators for them, they could have been more, honestly, I feel like a more simplistic, yet beautiful, not-over-the-top approach would have served you well and I say that with all my love to your dear company that I adore so much.

To Sauter and Olson, there seems to be performance issues where if a lot of people stack up with them, let's say in a Raid Squad, things go downhill in terms of performance. Can't tell if it is like that for everyone though. Also I saw the new synchronized animation with the real distance traveled on the Lake Doric Tonic, I suppose you did that so the new one would not look silly but, I think the small one looks really silly now. :D

The new Legendary Torch has some nice tricks under it's sleeve like the wield animation, I had the pleasure to see it earlier already by a person who made it instantly and in addition to the sound and the bright and amazing footsteps, well done, things like that manage to shift my opinion about weapons and I actually want to smack people with candles now. And finally, to Arnold and Reynolds, you guys should be paid more. Lots more.

P.S. Please bring encounters with more heavy focus on celestial elements if it's possible to fit it in the theme. :3

There are no future plans for any additional legendary armor sets.

almost 8 years ago - /u/LinkHughes - Direct link

Originally posted by boottspurr

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Roxby - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

almost 8 years ago - /u/anet_ester - Direct link

Originally posted by digitalruse

How do testers sign up? I have a Mac tired of dual booting ready, willing, and able to test!

points at the Haiku

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by Syphys

The main reason I am excited for living world updates is no other than the story/lore. I am amazed with the story and how it goes, but what make me sad is questions unanswered like plot holes... I really loved that you guys bought back about the problem of extinction of the Elder Dragons. It was one concerned question that was answered. Can I hope for more plot holes to be covered in the future updates? Do you guys have a team dedicated to answer people questions about the story? Because It really feels good when the final piece of a puzzle is complete. Anyways, great chapter, Thanks ;)

There's plenty more story ahead of us. It's awesome that you notice plots we haven't resolved yet and that you're excited to see them come to fruition, so hang in there. The story is still underway. :)

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Rahlek - Direct link

Originally posted by Seasniffer

Does the ArenaNet development team take iodine each day? I was told by the L E G E N D A R Y FASTCAR of Yak's Bend that it's essentially for everyday health. Lugol's is apparently the best, FYI.

+1 for iodine!

almost 8 years ago - /u/Anet-TylerB - Direct link

Originally posted by Diokana

I absolutely love the new mastery that came today, maybe even more than I love gliding. What kind of challenges did you have designing the grappling hook?

The biggest challenge was deciding how, if at all, to limit the mastery. The harsher the limitations, the more likely it was to be included in other maps, but the less fun or intuitive it became.

The first iteration was a timed buff, but had unlimited charges. After that, it had unlimited duration but only a single charge. We also tried a distance based system, where you could fire the grappling hook whenever you were near an Oakheart's Essence node. There were pros and cons to each of these attempts, but we ultimately liked the 3 charge version the best.

The other biggest hurdle was getting the character animations and FX to look smooth and polished. As one example, originally if you fired Oakheart's Reach while gliding, the glider would briefly tilt to the side as the character's arm reached forwards.

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Rahlek - Direct link

Originally posted by ANET_Laevateinn

Dogs: This is a much-discussed topic among the team; I will take your interest as a vote for dogs but can't promise what the future may hold!

I'm going to go ahead and +1 for dogs. Like an English Bulldog. And/or a Corgi. And a Shiba.

All the dogs!

almost 8 years ago - /u/anet_ester - Direct link

Originally posted by Bloodyscratt

Any idea of the "minimal requirement" for this client ?

We are working on determining this right now.

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by PhoenixOfTheFire

First thing I wanted to say, I LOVED todays episode! Everything from spoilers and especially the map and the new mastery. Amazing job!

Secondly, I wanted to ask if you saw the recent suggestion of adding the year the zone takes place in, or slight lore tidbits about the zone to the loading screen (maybe even a loading progress bar). I really liked the suggestion and was wondering what you thought about it, and if it would even possible without some sort of drastic rework (cause a big rework for it wouldn't be worth it).

EDIT: Added link to the reddit post i referred to.

So glad you enjoyed it!! And I think your idea is very interesting. It would take a ton of work to implement retroactively, so it's unlikely to happen. But I like how you think.

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Posting for an friend of mine: In the book when Rytlock meets Ember Doomforge, he tells her that she has her grandmothers eyes ( Almora Soulkeeper ). Now since when do badasses or just guys ingeneral notice something as someones eyes unless they find them either attractive or love them? Am I onto something?

LOL. Badasses survive so long because they notice the little details. ;)

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Rahlek - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


<3 to the dog people! <3

almost 8 years ago - /u/anet_ester - Direct link

Originally posted by bobothereal

Any news on a fix for the Lighting bug introduced in april 18ths patch? Its quite a shame having every map be real dark or a disco, especially the new map as whenever things work as they should it looks kinda nice.

more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/665b0t/april_18th_lighting_bug/

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Roxby - Direct link

Originally posted by Draxjon

Thank you for adding a special golem to our home instance ^

You're welcome!

almost 8 years ago - /u/Anet-TylerB - Direct link

Originally posted by Knoppergal

Would those 4 big island have covered the entirety of the rest of the fire island chain? :O

No, not literal islands, rather it was in reference to 4 large landmasses (at varying elevations) attached to the interior of our giant hollow volcano.

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Rahlek - Direct link

Originally posted by RisingDusk

And a beedog.

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Roxby - Direct link

Originally posted by Fanintu

whoever decided to Spoiler-ish is my new best friend <3 i love it!

i've had a blast in general, playing this episode's story and exploring the new map with the new mastery. who came up with it? it's loads of fun to use, reminds me of the grappling hook from legend of zelda a little bit.

Thanks, Bestie! The mastery was something that was originally going to be part of a task heart in Episode 02. We all loved it so much we decided to hold on to it and use it when we could really do it justice.

almost 8 years ago - /u/LinkHughes - Direct link

Originally posted by SynergizerSyd

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the instance!

almost 8 years ago - /u/anet_charliee - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRocknight

I don't mean to criticize, but whats up with Lazarus just hiring a bunch of mercenaries to do his dirty work? there's not much justification used for that and I don't understand how he would have gotten the money to pay them, aside from outright stealing it. It seems very odd and I feel needs a little bit of justification.

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Rahlek - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

If you don't mind me asking, what steps did you take into getting your job? I'm feeling a bit lost at the moment and would love to do something like that but I have no idea where to start.

I have a degree in game development and simulation programming. However, there are a lot of folks that get their foot in the door of the industry via becoming a tester. You learn a TON that way. Honestly, more useful industry info came from my time as a tester than came from my whole degree program, if you can believe it.

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by GruntSq

LIVING WORLD/STORY - What are the consequences in divinitys reach and in the rest of kryta, Spoiler

What happens to the priesthood?

The german roleplaying community is strongly based in divinitiys reach, this information is invaluable to us. Thanks in advance!

Your spoiler tag failed. Not sure why. :) And a response: Spoiler - Story Response

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by Wiz-1543

I would like to be able to complete the home instance nodes, some black lion chests nodes are unobtainable. I love the quality of life for the map currencies the quality of the map is just amazing. The story is good. All in all good work!

Thanks a ton! I'll let the team know!

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by TheCavis

It's well established lore that skritt get more intelligent in larger groups. If you had a skritt mesmer, would it get smarter as it summoned additional clones and phantasms?

Since the clones and phantasms aren't truly individuals with their own consciousness, I'd have to guess no. :) An interesting question to ponder, though!

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Rahlek - Direct link

Originally posted by anchuin

Really loved the story and map this time, it's even fun to get to remote places now with the new mastery!
However I fell into 3 holes I could not get out of and managed to get oob once and then got stuck there. Reported them all of course.
My question to Elizabeth Bergeron: How long was the map tested for? I know that you now can get to anywhere easily and that may have impacted testing.

Testing on that map took approximately 200 hours (double the normal length of a pass like this)... I suppose it goes to show that no matter how hard you look, it's hard to catch everything!! :(

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by disablestyle1

Question about the experimental envoy armor skin, I remember some time ago someone from Anet said, if you get the precursor skin / legendary, the experimental skin for the same weight will unlock. But as I crafted my medium legendary armor I saw that it didnt unlock the experimental skin as promised. ( I chose light as experimental, cause of that info) Now I am missing the experimental armor skin, is there a chance for a fix?

I think what we actually said was that you could freely select the weight for the Experimental without concern because it is only the weight selected for the Refined Envoy that is converted into the final Perfected armor. If you want to craft the other weights you can buy an Envoy Insignia from Glenna that can be used to craft the armor you want.

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by SynergizerSyd

So happy you liked it!! spoiler - Story Response

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by Syrio21

I have a question about legendary armor, so for Paul probably.

In the post about the armors you guys mentioned you had to make changes to the game engine to be able to make animated armors. My question would be, considering the changes are already done, does that mean the process of making the next Legendary Armor will be considerably faster?

Sorry if that was asked already

We have no plans to make any more legendary armor sets.

almost 8 years ago - /u/LinkHughes - Direct link

Originally posted by daireon97

As the Map is underground and under the ring of fire, can we expect to see/is it possible to see a different map directly on top of the new map? or is that complicated to work on the world map?

almost 8 years ago - /u/angelmccoy - Direct link

Originally posted by GruntSq

woops, sorry for double post. am new to reddit, I saw the answer!

No worries! Happy roleplaying!

almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Roxby - Direct link

Originally posted by Burningbeard696

Not a question but the new "thing" to get for your home instance in this patch is my favourite thing ever. Good work.

Glad you like it!

almost 8 years ago - /u/Anet-TylerB - Direct link

Originally posted by Quozex

I just finished the new JP and I have to say it was amazing. Just wondering how long it took to make such an elaborate JP. It's just really stunning I love it so much!

Awesome, glad to hear it! It's tough to accurately say how long it took, as we were working on a lot of other tasks simultaneously, but I'll take a rough stab at it.

We knew right away that we wanted our new jumping puzzle to heavily feature the new mastery, and had some ideas of how the it could potentially be implemented. However, we needed to nail down the final implementation of the mastery before we could begin work on the jumping puzzle. Once the mastery was finalized, it took a couple weeks of iteration to get a rough layout in, and setup the checkpoint system. Then another couple weeks of playtesting, iteration and polish. So overall it probably took a little over a month, on and off.

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by dannyus

Hey, Im just curious, is it intended that the Juggernaut effect doesnt work with legendary heavy armor? Also, the precursors for the armor are not unlocking (experimental envoy armor) even tho you have the legendary done.

Looking into both of these issues right now :)

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by marcustyphoon

Not the same thing. I definitely saw a post confirming the experimental skins would be unlocked by the refined armor (a la binding a precursor weapon unlocking the experimental/refined skins); I'll go look for it now.


Obtaining a Refined Envoy Armor will unlock the corresponding Experimental Envoy Armor skin, so players wanting to unlock all of these skins will be able to do that by creating the Refined Envoy Armors when they have been unlocked.


Ah ok - sorry for the confusion - going to take a look at this and see whats happening here.

almost 8 years ago - /u/anet_charliee - Direct link

Originally posted by Brogile

Why did he pretend to be Lazarus then? Ever since we first saw him appear he didn't seem to do anything to exploit the white mantle. Surely if he just pretended to be spoiler with the player character instead of a Mursaat with a bloody history we would have been more trusting of him. I mean, Lazarus was last seen promising vengeance against countless generations whereas spoiler. What did he gain from the player character by pretending to be Lazarus that he couldn't of gained by presenting himself as spoiler (but with more altruistic motives)? Why the double subterfuge?

His first exploitation of the White Mantle was absorbing the Bloodstone, which increased his power significantly. I think he intended to keep them around longer, but Caudecus caused a schism and then the whole operation started collapsing. That's when he decided to cash out. It wasn't a total bust for him, but it wasn't exactly what he planned, either.

almost 8 years ago - /u/anet_ester - Direct link

Originally posted by YangZA

Can i bribe you with 🍰 To get early access?

Oh I wish it was that easy!

almost 8 years ago - /u/anet_ester - Direct link

Originally posted by anet_ester

The fix for this is coming in an upcoming hotfix.

It looks like there are multiple bugs, the fix for one of them was released in yesterday's hotfix. We will continue to look at fixes for outstanding lighting issues.

almost 8 years ago - /u/anet_ester - Direct link

Originally posted by bobothereal

Awesome! Tyvm for the reply as well, these AMAs really blow up and i miss half the stuff^

It's all good! I have the same issue.

almost 8 years ago - /u/PaulElla - Direct link

Originally posted by Gaaroth

Dunno if you can / are able to reply again. Just to be clear you are aiming for the next LS release or just the next patch release when you refer to "next release". Thank you again for the reply and the awesome work!

We will be releasing any potential fixes when they are ready.