We are looking into this now! Hoping to have a fix in soon
We are looking into this now! Hoping to have a fix in soon
Could you look into the boneskinner strike mission? https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/e584jh/the_boneskinner_seems_to_be_bugged/
I don't deal directly with this content (I'm the MTX/Outsourcing Producer) but I can make sure the right people have seen it!
fyi: my alt account which only has pof (+free hot) also cannot buy certain items marked as "requires HoT". something with the free HoT seems to not work with the store properly
Yeah, there is a bug with the "free HoT" that we have had trouble fixing and have had to do some work around fixes on. If there is an item other than the cape affected right now, please let me know in PM
It seems to be affecting accounts that have PoF but never bought HoT.. at least for one of mine it is..
Yup~ I will try and remember to reply here when we have a fix in. But, we are hoping to have one in as soon as possible. Sorry about that!
We are looking into this now! Hoping to have a fix in soon
This should be fixed in the new build, please let me know if anyone is still having issues purchasing!