If you've done KC in the past week you know what I'm talking about. It's crazy bugged.
External link βIf you've done KC in the past week you know what I'm talking about. It's crazy bugged.
External link βDoor laser is not only on KC tho. In every boss now the second somebody triggers the aggro the fight will instantly start. (VG and Sab for example)
The fact the bosses didn't immediately go into combat when they aggro'd was always a bug. We fixed that in the recent patch and we're working on fixing KC.
Going forward the expectation should be that the raid group is in the "boss arena" and ready to go before you pull the boss. If someone is caught lollygagging behind then they're going to be considered out of bounds and unable to participate in the encounter.
While you're looking into bosses, the double-wiping on Deimos is really annoying too.
Also fix incoming for that too.