over 6 years ago - /u/SquadLeaderBennett - Direct link

Originally posted by Lagomorph787

The problem is it's still inconsistent. HoT and PoF chests AFAIK don't let you right click them to accept the rewards.


Yeah, I added an exception for chests that require player choice, and additionally I needed to take a white-list approach for chest types because universal changes have a tendency to have... unintended consequences, no matter how safe or trivial you may think it is.

Since the initial change we've white-listed more chest types, but we're bound to still be missing some that probably should be white-listed. If there is another type that you think should be added, one of the designers may be able to help you... No promises though! Sometimes there is a good reason, even if it isn't obvious at first glance.

over 6 years ago - /u/SquadLeaderBennett - Direct link

Originally posted by der_RAV3N

Level Up Cheats should be able to opened instantly when they don't have a choice in them.

Hah, yeah, this is one of the contentious ones. The level up chests (even the ones that don't have a choice) are also chock full of useful tutorial information. Information that any player on a second run-through will already know, but could be crucial for a new player. Unfortunately, it would take a bit more in-depth approach to address this correctly, so it won't be on the short list of "just white-list it". Sorry! Maybe one day...