Original Post — Direct link

I'm just posting this because I think its really sad that literally no one on reddit talked about the most recent Guild Chat yet.

If you are here and you have no idea what a Guild Chat is, basically it is a stream where Anet developers explain how they made something, kinda like a live making of.

You can watch the most recent Guild Chat about the Deepstone fractal on Twitch or on Youtube.

External link β†’
over 6 years ago - /u/ANet_Rubi - Direct link

Originally posted by Vernoud

I was actually very impressed and pleased with guild chat today, I love when you get to peer behind the inner workings of a game and see the thought process of devs. :)

This feedback makes me so happy. Something I have been trying to do with Guild Chat for a while now is increase the "look behind the curtain" aspect of the show.

My initial preparation email/questionnaire for dev guests includes a request for WIP images and video--everything from video clips of unfinished areas to snapshots of whiteboard notes from brainstorming meetings--in an effort to dig more into the development process. Ben's response to that request for this episode was so great.