over 1 year ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Originally posted by ValyaaT

Real shame that it is all samples though, clearly a victim budget and/or time constrictions. I think PoF and EoD are the best sound tracks because they actually work as sounds tracks with clearly established motives and themes - i.e. telling a story through music. BUT, a major advatage they had was being played on actual intruments. That said, from a gameplay-music interaction perspective, this is well done. The eiry meditative drones complement the exploration of the bizarre landscapes you explore very well. I do hope that we get some kind of arranged version, even it is just medley like with the S4 soundtrack as, inevitably, the synth strings and percussion sound flat and plasticky. That is of course not a fault of the composers, they were working with what they had.

All of the core orchestra (strings, woodwinds, and brass) was recorded live in Nashville back in May. The only samples in the music are the same as they've always been since Living World Season 2, i.e. choir, percussion, harp, and miscellaneous synths and things. In a perfect world with a blank check, we'd get to do everything possible live, but that's not the reality of our situation. However, we work hard to make sure the heart of the music is done live for these expansions, and I think the musicians did a phenomenal job.