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I've been talking to a lot of new players today and it's become clear that very few are aware of the Action Camera Mode.

This isn't explained anywhere and has a fairly roundabout way of being enabled, but it changes the feel of the game immensely - in my opinion for the better.

If have become accustomed to a more action oriented style of play (TERA / BDO ) - enable action cam.

EDIT: Here is a nice overview (thanks /u/brazen_nl) and a video of my mine showing it off in a competitive setting.

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over 6 years ago - /u/anet_joelh - Direct link

Originally posted by PurpleFries

Depends on what you are trying to do.

With thief I found the issues of action cam are more noticable. If you try to stack stealth with a shortbow into smokescreen it is quite hard to hit all 6 cluster bombs due to being unable to aim straight down. It makes the arrows arc slightly more, and stay in the air longer which means re-firing the skill takes longer.

I'm currently in the process of un-learning action cam because of this specific annoyance. Granted I do not know what other situations it affects, but I'm going under the assumption that I am likely not noticing it.

When using action camera, you can use the "snap ground target to current target" option in order to alleviate this problem. You can check the checkbox under the Combat/Movement general options section, or if you don't want snap ground targeting on all the time there are keybinds you can use to toggle it as needed under the Targeting keybinds section. When target snap is active, if you aim the camera more than 90% downward, the ground targeting marker will be placed at your feet rather than under the crosshair, even if you have a target selected. There are some skills which will ignore target snap (such as shadowsteps), but by and large this should work. Hopefully this helps!

over 6 years ago - /u/anet_joelh - Direct link

Originally posted by Ankudan

I did some tests with it, and it seems that even if you hold down mouse one (which usually makes you auto attack continuously) and use a skill, it will cancel the auto attacking anyway. I'd love a dev to come in to this post and see this, cause I'm pretty sure it's a bug with action camera

This has been on my "annoyances I sure would like to fix some day" list for a while now. I've made a few attempts at a fix in my spare time, but inevitably the side effects end up being worse and other stuff ends up taking priority over continued investigation. The harsh reality of development is that there's always way more stuff that needs doing than time to do it in, so here we are.

over 6 years ago - /u/anet_joelh - Direct link

Originally posted by NikolaiLev

I just wish auto-attacking worked better with it. So you could just click once to "toggle" attacking.

This may not be precisely what you want, but maybe it will be close enough. While in action camera mode, if you have skill 1 flagged to autocast (ctrl+right click) and you press 1 rather than left mouse, you will autocast skill 1 on your current target until you drop the target or leave skill range (more or less what autocast on a skill would normally do).

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