12 days ago - - Direct link
As we mentioned in our recent blog post, the Guild Wars 2 Live Team has been working for the past few years to address player problems and introduce improvements to areas of the game, such as the new-player experience, crafting, group encounters, and more. Hearing from you, the Guild Wars 2 community, is a big part of this work! I review your QOL requests and share them with the Live Team weekly to keep them updated about what's on your mind, and the QOL thread has been invaluable for that. The previous thread recently passed the 10,000 replies mark and that seems like a good milestone to begin a new, less overwhelming thread to collect and track QOL requests. The previous thread can be found here for anyone who wants to read past requests. Thank you for all of your input on this topic and please keep the QOL requests coming!
12 days ago - - Direct link
As we mentioned in our recent blog post, the Guild Wars 2 Live Team has been working for the past few years to address player problems and introduce improvements to areas of the game, such as the new-player experience, crafting, group encounters, and more. Hearing from you, the Guild Wars 2 community, is a big part of this work! I review your QOL requests and share them with the Live Team weekly to keep them updated about what's on your mind, and the QOL thread has been invaluable for that. The previous thread recently passed the 10,000 replies mark and that seems like a good milestone to begin a new, less overwhelming thread to collect and track QOL requests. The previous thread can be found here for anyone who wants to read past requests. Thank you for all of your input on this topic and please keep the QOL requests coming!