about 5 years ago - /u/Anet-Clayton - Direct link

Originally posted by steffen4404

The sound of ice at the end! Sound team is still there doing its thing!

This sound team is bananas. Also side note: They don't just record amazing audio in the most oddball ways. They script and code that stuff in as well. They're amazing!

about 5 years ago - /u/Anet-Clayton - Direct link

Originally posted by KamuiHyuga

Stupid question that I know probably won't get an answer. Around how many "takes" does the sound team usually do to get a sound effect just right?

Ooo. Great question. I'm honestly not sure. I think it's more of a gut feeling. So maybe a couple here and there to experiment and then there is a handful of mixing that goes on the computer side. I'll ask them though because I can only guess.