That's not what this was. We were being interviewed about the Skyscale and were asked a lot of questions about this as well, which I guess wasn't totally unexpected but definitely not what I personally thought I was going to be answering. I was doing my best to answer genuinely and honestly about my experience working at ArenaNet and my experience with the layoffs we had. These were not prepared statements at all. I'm not in a PR position, I'm a game designer that happened to be asked a lot of tough questions about what happened and tried to do my best to express my truth about it. Of course, I am biased, as noted, since I have worked here a long time and continue to, but I'm a deeply honest person too. It saddens me a little bit that didn't read through in my answers and came off as some kind of press release (which, again, this was not), but I get where you are coming from.