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I'm in awe of how.... organic it looks.

The slopes are gradual, the peaks are broad, the caverns are tight and narrow.

In many games (Vanilla Guild Wars 2 often included) landscapes often seem rudimentary and cartoonish-----Like they'd be completely flat if it weren't for the combination of a few vertical stone pillars here and there to partition off the zone into small, digestible setpieces.

It's so great to be able to stand on one side of the zone, look at the other, and see everything about the zone.... Not because the zone is overly small, but because the zone slopes gently downward from the sides into a concave center---Yet at the same time it's far from featureless, and is actually interesting to look at.

As it stands, Saidra's haven is probably my favorite township in the game.

The layout of the buildings around the sides with a plaza in the center, the way each tier of the town is set against each other, once again, looks organic and believable.

I love the way it's situated on a cliff overlooking the lake---Looking up at it from the other side of the lake makes it look imposing and impressive, while looking down at the lake from within it makes the landscape seem expansive.

I wish I could have seen the lake before the dam was busted and it drained out.

Saidra's Haven looks like those docks on the side were just above water level, and the lake itself looks like it would have been impressive.

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about 8 years ago - /u/PrinceSuperfly - Direct link

Thank you for the kind words :D

about 8 years ago - /u/AnetFrosty - Direct link

Originally posted by Zadah


Episode 4 was made by the episode 1 team, but Nellie joined our team so you're both partially correct. ;)

about 8 years ago - /u/AnetFrosty - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Blog

Oh it's the Ember Bay team?
I thought there were 3 teams that take turns. So I expected this map to come from the Bloodstone Fen team.

It was the Bloodstone Fen team on this map. :)