9 days ago - - Direct link
09/10/2024—September 10 Release Notes Note to users of third-party programs: The game may not launch or work properly after we release a new build if you use a third-party program, due to possible incompatibilities. ArenaNet cannot offer support if a third-party modification breaks, interferes with, or prevents you from playing Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2. Our policy regarding third-party programs can be found here. World Polish Adjusted health and scaling for the Mushroom King during the "Subdue the Mushroom King" event in Lowland Shore. Fixed an issue that caused Distant Thunder to appear sooner than intended in the Star-Crossed Lovers collection. The endurance cost of the "Dash!" skill in the Salmon Run race events and adventures has been reduced to grant additional dashes in Lowland Shore. Added an additional 15 seconds to the gold medal times for the Lowland Shore Salmon Run adventures. The time needed has increased from 1 minute and 30 seconds to 1 minute and 45 seconds for the Moon Camp Covert adventure and from 2 minutes and 30 seconds to 2 minutes and 45 seconds for the Harvest Shore adventure. Made some general improvements to salmon cannon functionality for the Harvest Shore Salmon Run event and adventure in Lowland Shore. Fixed an issue that could cause the collection NPC marker to appear above player characters' heads in Lowland Shore. Fixed an issue that caused the heat-tracking bar from the Denning Forge renown heart activity to persist if a player left the forge before using the bellows. Added additional creatures around Forager's Hunt that grant renown when killed. General Updated the error message that appears when players who have not unlocked the Heart of the Obscure Research Mastery line attempt to interact with content that requires it. For content within Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds maps, the text now directs players to unlock the Heart of the Obscure via the Janthir Wilds story, instead of through Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure. The Wizard's Vault objectives for participating in rift events now refer to them as rift hunts rather than Kryptis rifts. Fixed an issue that caused champion warclaws to improperly try to perform valravn attacks after their defiance bar was broken. Reduced the health and defiance bars of Eparch, the Consumed King in the Into the Spider's Lair meta-event. Fixed an issue that prevented the effect indicating which glyph is equipped to a homestead collection box from displaying a proper name. Fixed an issue that prevented ground targeted skills from working when trying to summon a conjured doorway in an invalid location. The handiwork workbench in Hearth's Glow can now only be accessed by the homestead owner to prevent an issue that caused decoration crafting to consume the guest's materials but create the decoration for the homestead's owner. Fixed an issue that prevented accounts that have only been upgraded with Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds from being granted access to the raptor mount. Fixed an issue that prevented some infusions' visual effects from stacking when switching maps. Fixed an issue that allowed players to summon the warclaw mount in unintended combat scenarios. Lowland Shore Increased the event-cycling time following completion of the "Defeat the rotling before it razes the area" event. Fixed an issue with the event UI for the "Escort Winding Kant as he looks for his lost spear" event. Fixed an issue that caused creatures in the "Defeat the rotlings to save the Astral Ward scout" event to scale improperly. Fixed an issue that prevented some players from interacting with bowls in the "Keep the troll party from getting out of hand" events. Fixed animation issues that occurred when using cheer skills while sitting in the Sleuth Brawlfields stands. The "Pet" interaction text for many of the animals in Lowland Shore is now properly the verb rather than the noun in non-English languages. Fixed an issue that prevented the All the Queen's Men achievement from displaying numbers correctly. Fixed an issue that prevented markers in the "Destroy the pollutants, and cover yourself in rot and get examined by the ward" event from being removed. Fixed an issue that prevented the rot effect from being removed from all players upon completing the "Destroy the pollutants, and cover yourself in rot and get examined by the ward" event. Fixed an issue that prevented the Bog Queen from vanishing after the "Defeat the Bog Queen before she floods the area with maggots" event failed. Fixed an issue that caused the Bog Queen's name to vanish from the UI during the "Defeat the Bog Queen before she floods the area with maggots" event. Fixed an issue that prevented the energy beams from vanishing after the maggot-squishing phase concluded during the "Defeat the Bog Queen before she floods the area with maggots" event. Lowered the scaling for the maggot-squishing phases during the "Defeat the Bog Queen before she floods the area with maggots" event. Fixed a server crash that could occur during the "Defend the kodan from the bog bodies while they gather peat" event. Warclaws and warclaw cubs at the Journeykin Outpost now play an animation when petted by players completing renown heart activities. Fixed an issue that caused warclaw scat at the Journeykin Outpost to float. Fixed an issue that prevented hiding titanspawn from respawning in Coursing Upland. Fixed an issue that caused a conversation in Roaring Falls to loop on itself. Fixed an issue that caused corrupted ice shard bundles for the Star-Crossed Lovers achievement to have an incorrect respawn time. Fixed an issue that prevented multiple players from turning in warclaw cubs simultaneously during the "Get warclaw cubs back in their pens before they eat the cabbages" event. Fixed an issue that prevented the post-completion UI timer from appearing during the "Get warclaw cubs back in their pens before they eat the cabbages" event. Fixed an issue that caused only eleven out of twelve kodan cubs to be available during the Lowland Shore: Hide and Seek adventure. Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the fish transformation from being removed from players who had not completed the Salmon Run race event. Fixed an issue that prevented the scoreboard from updating with the latest completion time for the Lowland Shore: Hide and Seek adventure. The endurance-refreshing orbs in the Salmon Run race events and adventures now also refresh the player's Flop! charges. Fixed an issue that prevented rangers from summoning their pets after completing the Salmon Run races or adventures. Fixed an issue that prevented a wisp from crossing the stream while completing the "Search below the lake near the shore that's home to drakes" hint in the Tales of the Lowland Wisps collection. Fixed an issue that caused the Autumn's Vale renown heart NPC, Shading Willow, to take a shaderock salamander when players chose the option to turn in a mohawk bream. Fixed an issue that allowed the Savant of Dance achievement to be awarded early during the "Dance among the kodan" event. Fixed an issue that prevented some players who unlocked the Cryptid Chase collection from earning progress on other characters. Janthir Syntri Fixed an issue that caused a fishing node in Janthir Syntri to spawn outside the map boundaries. Fixed an issue that caused resource nodes in Janthir Syntri to spawn outside the map boundaries. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused bloodstone elementals in Janthir Syntri to revert to their default pose when killed. Fixed lurking and unlurking animation issues that affected several of the ghost animals in the "Assist Ekto's paranormal research" event. Fixed an issue that caused the failure announcements for the "Stop Greer from draining the bloodstone" and "Stop Decima from draining the bloodstone" events to play twice. Added an announcement to the "Stop Greer from draining the bloodstone" event to clarify that Greer's titanspawn must be eliminated to expose his defiance bar. Updated Greer and Decima's warclaw checkpoints to indicate the next checkpoint in the sequence. Reduced the radius of Greer and Decima's warclaw checkpoints to more closely match their visual effect. Slightly increased the spacing of Greer and Decima's warclaw checkpoints to reduce overlap. Fixed an issue that prevented warclaw checkpoints from recognizing the player if they were standing in one when first using Chain Pull on a titan. Fixed an issue that caused interactive plants in the "Help the kodan gather foraged plants and animal meat" events to remain interactive after the required amount had been turned in. The map portal to Lowland Shore now correctly displays its name. It is no longer possible to trigger the concerned researcher's conversation again after their dialogue completes in the "Rescue the storm chaser" event. Fixed an issue that prevented the Don't Drop That achievement from requiring participation in the "Collect and turn in debris from the shore and enemies" event. Fixed an issue that allowed players to leave and reenter the "Collect and turn in debris from the shore and enemies" event radius to regain eligibility for the Don't Drop That achievement. Fixed an issue that could cause the expedition members' combat behavior to stall the "Follow Guiding Star and their team on the expedition" event. The Firewatch achievement now indicates which events still need to be completed. Boss cameras have been standardized across several events. Fixed an issue that caused dialogue heard when approaching any of the "Help the kodan gather foraged plants and animal meat" events to repeat excessively. Fixed an issue that prevented the boss enemy in the "Follow Guiding Star and their team on the expedition" event from despawning correctly. Fixed an issue that prevented some enemies in the "Clear Rising Bloom's garden of Mistburned flowers" event from being aggressive toward players. Fixed an issue that prevented animals in the "Help the kodan gather foraged plants and animal meat" events from consistently dropping meat when defeated. Fixed an issue that caused some enemies in the "Help Gleaning Copse clean up rotting plants and clear out rotting enemies" events to display incorrect lurking animations. Fixed an issue that caused Curious Remedy's dialogue during the "Collect affected flora samples for Curious Remedy's research" event to come from the wrong location. Disabling a mursaat relic mine no longer awards double progress toward the Hero of the Woods achievement. Rising Bloom no longer retains the Poetic Justice achievement eligibility notice after the "Clear Rising Bloom's garden of Mistburned flowers" event ends. Fixed an issue that prevented "Clear the Infestation of Greer Grubs" events from granting renown heart progress on completion. More events in and around Festering Basin in Janthir Syntri now grant renown tokens. General Added a keybinding option for the conjured doorway Mastery skill. The Lowland Kodan Expertise effect can now be purchased once per character each day rather than being limited to once each day per account. PvE Warclaw Uncover: Added a slight cooldown between uses to prevent some adverse effects. Fixed an issue that caused skill 3 to flash endlessly. Homesteads Fixed an issue that caused several glyphs to grant fewer bonuses than expected when applied to the harvesting collection box. Updated the handiworker crafting level unlocked at each tier of the Homesteading Mastery to match the Mastery descriptions. This change will retroactively affect players who have already unlocked Homesteading Mastery tiers. Unlockable rooms and decoratable zones will now use the proper Homesteading Mastery levels. Decorating Fixed an issue that prevented placed decorations from being edited when the Instant ground targeting mode setting was enabled. Convergences Reduced the damage and bleeding stacks of Umbriel's Rending Storm. Reduced Umbriel's maximum health. Personal Story Fixed an issue in the norn version of the Prologue: The Tyrian Alliance story chapter that could prevent the map marker indicating Skarti's location in Hoelbrak from being displayed properly. Relocated the Shining Blade guard who directs players to speak to Countess Anise during the human version of the Prologue: The Tyrian Alliance story chapter farther from the Queen's Throne Room instance entrance to avoid confusion. Fixed a rendering issue that affected interactive books in the Unknown Territory story instance and Lowland Shore. The doors in Moon Camp Covert in the Unknown Territory story chapter instance now have visible names to identify them as interactive objects. Fixed an issue in the Unknown Territory story chapter that caused the captured warclaw's rope lead to become improperly detached if the player transformed. Corrected text in the Unknown Territory story chapter that swapped the names of the Bonfire Lodge and Journeykin Pens points of interest. Fixed an issue in the Unknown Territory story chapter that prevented dogs from being petted. Fixed an issue in the Diplomacy and Discovery story chapter that could cause Malice to interrupt her own dialogue. Fixed an issue in the Home Sweet Home story chapter that allowed destructible objects in the first story instance to be damaged prior to being tasked with cleaning up the homestead, which could stall the instance. Corrected text in the Home Sweet Home story chapter that used outdated terminology in a hint directing players to a particular area of the crafting tab. Extended the instance boundaries of all story steps that take place in the homestead environment to allow players to reach the portals to other maps, preventing them from becoming stuck in the instance. Fixed an issue in the Strangers among Lands story chapter that prevented Councillor Ludo and asura players from having an appropriate view from their podiums during the Tyrian Alliance emergency meeting instance. Fixed an issue in the Strangers among Lands story chapter that prevented certain conversation options with Livia in the Tyrian Alliance emergency meeting instance from being logged in the chat box. Fixed an issue in the Strangers among Lands story chapter that caused the optional step to speak to Tyrian Alliance delegates in the emergency meeting instance to complete before everyone could be spoken to. Added an occasional pop-up hint to the Storm Clouds over Janthir story chapter to inform players who drop the bow bundle used during the "Index Sickly Wildlife Health in Slithering Outskirts" step where to get a new one. Corrected text in the Storm Clouds over Janthir story chapter to reflect the correct map sector Poised Arrow can be found in. Corrected text in the Storm Clouds over Janthir story chapter that directs players to talk to Arid Esker and referred to Storm Research Camp in Janthir Syntri by an outdated name. Fixed an issue in the Against the Wall story chapter that caused Poised Arrow to become stuck inside collision boundaries. Fixed an issue in the Against the Wall story chapter that caused a warclaw race checkpoint to reappear during subsequent uses of Chain Pull on the boss. Added additional failsafe measures in the Against the Wall story chapter to prevent the bosses from being killed prematurely and blocking progression. Added an achievement eligibility effect for the Electrical Interference achievement when the player is in the story instance. Fixed an issue that caused eligibility for the Seed Savvy achievement to be removed by manually dropping the seed bundle rather than upon taking damage. Fixed an issue that prevented conductive mineral deposits from displaying story markers in the Storm Clouds over Janthir story chapter. Items Increased the amount of rift essence awarded when using fine, masterwork, and rare motivations. Adjusted the Bearkin War Helm's default dyes. Updated the name of the Janthir Wilds: Hero's Choice Chest to Janthir Syntri: Hero's Choice Chest. Zotturrikk in Hooligan's Route in Lion's Arch now sells unique rewards from previous bonus events. These items may be offered again as achievement rewards in the future, but we cannot guarantee that the associated bonus events will occur again or that these rewards will be offered when and if they do. New items will be added to Zotturrikk's inventory once a sufficient amount of time has passed since their associated event. Updated Mini Mr. Ribbington's item icon to properly display his hat. Fixed an issue that caused the Heat Core Infusion to display incorrect values for its power and agony resistance attributes. Reduced the rarity of the Falling Star Quest License from legendary to ascended to match the rewards it grants. The Falling Star spear and Meteor-Wielder's Glove acquired from the Falling Star Quest License now have selectable attributes. The birthday vendor in Lion's Arch will now reward players who have celebrated their 10th birthday in Guild Wars 2 with the Dragon Decade Spear Skin, which has the same appearance as the Dragon Decade Staff Skin. The birthday vendor in Lion's Arch will now reward players who have celebrated their 5th birthday in Guild Wars 2 with the Luminous Partisan Spear Skin, which has the same appearance as the Luminous Pillar Staff Skin. Adjusted the description text for the Lowland Shore and Janthir Syntri renown tokens to provide more information on their usage. Fixed the attribute prefix selection and attributes given on the Knotted Rope Ring, Ring of the Crustacean, and Wood Rune Ring. Fixed an issue that caused several raid homestead decoration recipes to be listed for the wrong price. Recipe: Sigil of Demon Slaying no longer drops if the player knows the recipe. Updated items that can be deployed to provide beneficial effects, such as feasts, to display a preview of the effects they provide. Structured Player vs. Player The beta event for the new Push game mode starts today! The beta map will be active during the miniseason that starts today at noon Pacific Time (UTC-7) and runs until 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time on September 23. The map will also be available in custom arenas. Learn more about the event in this blog post . New tiers of the Path of Victory achievement have been added to the new PvP Champion Series panel. The new tiers award an enumerated version of the "Champion of Champions" title. World vs. World The Mists-Charged Jade ascended trinkets that can be purchased from the skirmish supervisor merchant now have access to all attribute options. Their attribute selection can be reset with a Mist Capacitor. The skirmish supervisor and Permanent Portable Provisioner merchants now offer items in exchange for Canthan Crafting Material Coffers and Desert Crafting Material Coffers. Hero weapons are now available from the skirmish supervisor as a one-time purchase for players who have unlocked the associated skin. Woad armor skins are now available from the skirmish supervisor. Fire Shattering Bolt: Increased the power coefficient from 5.6 to 6.4. Fire Reinforced Shot: Decreased the cooldown from 40 seconds to 32 seconds. Increased the warclaw's Chain Pull skill damage to 1,000. Decreased Chain Pull's cooldown to 1 second. Profession Skills Spear Fixed an issue that prevented the appropriate impact animation from playing when a character lands at high velocity. General Relic of the Stormsinger: Fixed an issue that prevented this relic from working with certain skills. Thief Shattering Assault: Fixed an issue that could prevent this skill from canceling autoattacks when it applied stealth to the player. Engineer Roiling Skies: This skill can now strike downed targets. Amplifying Slice: Fixed an issue that caused this skill to unintentionally evade. Devastator: This skill now evades. Guardian Solar Storm: This skill now displays red warning rings instead of orange when used by an enemy player. Symbol of Luminance: Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented this skill's audio from playing. Helio Rush: Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented this skill from granting the Illuminated effect, even if an enemy was struck. Mesmer Phantasmal Lancer: Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm when used on an evading enemy. Echo of Memory: Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from summoning a phantasm when used on an evading enemy. Revenant Abyssal Blot: Updated damage skill facts to be accurate in PvP and WvW. Abyssal Strike: Reduced the torment duration from 6 seconds to 4 seconds and the Abyssal Raze cooldown reduction from 1.5 seconds to 1 second in PvE only. Abyssal Force: Reduced the Abyssal Raze cooldown reduction from 10 seconds to 5 seconds in PvE only. Abyssal Raze: Reduced the torment duration from 6 seconds to 4 seconds in PvE only. Warrior Heightened Focus: Fixed an issue that prevented this trait from functioning with spear burst skills. Path to Victory: Reduced the attack range from 450 to 240. Valiant leap: Reduced the base heal from 975 to 655 in PvP only. Line Breaker: Reduced the base heal from 1,320 to 840 and the healing power scaling from 1.75 to 1.0 in PvP only. Defiant Roar: Reduced the base heal from 1,320 to 1,000 and the healing power scaling 1.0 to 0.7 in PvP only. Harrier's Toss: Reduced the damage coefficient from 1.2/1.5/1.8 to 1.0/1.25/1.5 based on adrenaline, in WvW only. Maiming Spear: Reduced the cooldown from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in WvW. Reduced the initial hit damage coefficient from 0.9 to 0.8 in WvW only. Spearmarshal's Support: This skill now performs an initial attack. This attack must hit a target for the follow-up attacks to occur. Reduced the damage coefficient from 0.4 to 0.25 in PvP and WvW. Spear Swipe: This skill is no longer unblockable. Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP only. Reduced the cooldown refund on successful evasion from 6 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only. Defiant Stance: Reduced the duration from 4 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP only.
9 days ago - - Direct link
Bug Fixes: Fixed a client crash that occurred when entering someone's homestead. Fixed an issue that caused the Mortal Contest effect to reduce more healing than intended in the Push PvP mode.
8 days ago - - Direct link
Bug Fixes: Enemies no longer attack feast gadgets Devastator: Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from going on full cooldown when interrupted.
3 days ago - - Direct link
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that could cause a player's Handiworker crafting level to not raise as intended when training the Homesteading Mastery track. Some players may see a one-time notification of their Handiworker crafting level increasing even if this fix doesn't impact their level.