ArenaNet, I'm sorry, I used to be interested in the overall plot of this game but the recycling of threads has reached a breaking point with this release. It's starting to successfully unsell me on your next expansion.
There are only so many times you can play the "reminisce on past events" card to stall for time. The game is now rapidly recycling a narrative device that recycles previous narrative devices. The plot is eating itself to death.
Season 2 had Glint's Lair. Reflect on your past, Commander.
Season 3 had you reflecting on the dragons you've dealt with to study them more, and more reminiscing with Aurene. Reflect on your past, Commander.
Path of Fire had you die. In the underworld, you were told to reflect on your past, Commander (to be fair this one was better than the rest, but ultimately still stalling for time).
In Icebrood Saga, people are guilt-tripped over past events. Reflect on your past, Commander.
End of Dragons dug up past events... wait a minute, this one was actually good! You dug up past events in order to progress them and close a bunch of narrative arcs. Credit where it's due, I think EoD's handling and closure of old story arcs was masterfully done, considering some of them were radioactive (Deep Sea Dragon).
And now Gyala Delves. Demons. They're tied to emotions. Okay, neat setup. Reflect on your past, Commander. Oh sh*t, not this again. You've asked me to reflect on my past half a dozen times. But hey, maybe the payoff will be nice now that I've reflected on my past. Oh, it's over. Nothing new happened.
This last story chapter... you asked the commander to reflect on their past, but it was in service of nothing. The demon threat is ambiguous. You did not explain who the Oni are for new players and there isn't even a named antagonist. The Gyala Delves story is the first time in the game that you asked us to retread old plots for no reason. We beat up the big bad using turtles, no emotions required.
Whatever the next expansion is, I really hope that the team has decided to write "new" things, because with this release I've felt more than ever that the team is desperately trying to avoid writing a story, and that is a bizarre feeling for a player to have when going through your story instances. There were 1-2 hours of speaking with people in this release, all of which was spent either talking about what has already happened or talking to people about going to a place to talk about what has already happened.
If your VA and story budget is so constrained that you can only put out this amount of writing, spending it on things the player already knows is not good. I hope this gets better, and I sincerely hope there isn't a single journal marker in the next expansion that says "remember your friends" or "check in with your friends" or "reminisce about X". Reminiscing is not story development. It happened. It is already playable. You can look it up in the wiki.
And one more final point, which is really disconnected from the original point of this thread but is also hurting the narrative: irreverence. All of your characters are irreverent towards what's going on. Please write characters such that they're taking the narrative seriously. If your characters are joking about your threat, it isn't a threat, and I won't believe you when you tell me it's a threat. Chul-moo freaking out was the best piece of dialogue in the update because he sounded scared. Nobody else did.
I keep using the word "threat" because your expansion teaser told me that a new threat is rising. If the threat comes and the characters don't act threatened, it's not a threat. I know this sounds stupid, but it's really basic. If we get an expansion 4 trailer and Menzies shows up saying he's going to kill everyone, and then story marker 1 features Gorrik and Braham joking about "hOw mAnY gOdS dO yOu gUyS hAvE??", it's over. Pack it up. You just wasted your villain. I know the studio has done better than this, so I know you can course-correct. HoT and PoF both started on urgent, threatening terms.
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