almost 4 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Hello everyone. As some of you may have seen over the last couple of weeks here and elsewhere on social media, Stan LePard, composer and orchestrator for Guild Wars 2, the Halo series, Destiny, and many other titles from Microsoft, PopCap, and others, passed away unexpectedly. Stan was a good friend as well as a colleague, and he had been working on Guild Wars 2 right up until the present day with the Icebrood Saga.

I've set up a fund to help support his family as they recover from this awful situation. If you are able, I'd greatly appreciate a donation of any amount. After GoFundMe takes out their fees, 100% of the money will go to Stan's wife.

I know Stan would really appreciate the support the community has shown for him and his music in the last few weeks. Thanks for reading.

External link →
almost 4 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Originally posted by Ionenschatten

>Be me
>Hmm I wonder if this is legit or another scam attempt from person on the internet
>Hmmm maclaine sounds familiar, wasn't he..?
>Maclaine made the HoT theme
>but is this his real reddit account?
>Go on twitter to find the approved Maclaine acc
>similar text posted like here but different gofundme link
>It's leading to the exact same site, no phishing

So yea, he's legit, this post is legit. Just so y'all know.

I'm me, don't worry :).

almost 4 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Stan was never an employee at ArenaNet. He, like many game composers and musicians in general, was a freelancer. While I don't know the inner workings of his finances, being a freelancer is inherently unpredictable. His passing was very unexpected, and this is simply a nice gesture from someone (me) whose life he helped change for the better in an effort to give something back.

almost 4 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Originally posted by downvotedasusual

Honestly, I find it a bit bizarre that people ask for funds when someone passes away. My grandfather was a pastor who helped out hundreds, if not thousands of people in his lifetime, but no church helped out in the end, and the family pitched in for funeral costs and didn't ask for money from strangers. I also don't trust any foundations, given all the scandals and scams - just look at how Greenpeace gambled $5M of peoples 'donations'. Sorry if this all sounds harsh, and it's sad to hear that someone has died, but for me personally, I don't know that person, I don't trust foundations or charities, and if anyone, their family or Anet should help - not players, and I find it a bit rude asking for money, but hey, if people want to help out, that's great - I just hope any money does actually go towards funeral costs, etc. and isn't a scam.

As I mentioned in another comment, this is simply a nice gesture that I'm doing for my friend whose presence in my life meant a great deal to me. I and many others who knew him have contributed the bulk of the money raised so far, but because what he did for a living was public facing, I thought it would be nice to extend the invitation to do something nice for his family to anyone else whose life he touched, whether they knew him personally or not. I know I can't prove it by a comment on the internet, but I set this up with the blessing of Stan's wife and she is the only person who will have access to the money. There's no obligation here and you are free to ignore it.

almost 4 years ago - /u/maclaine - Direct link

Originally posted by Ionenschatten

"I didn't like how you gave me valuable information so i'll hate you now online." How is this okay.

I would appreciate it if everyone could refrain from internet squabbling at least once in this thread. Thank you.

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