Original Post — Direct link

Hiya! ^,..,^

I'm a fan of taking selfies with my characters in-game, but when showing them to people, I'm often asked how it's done. And I searched here and didn't find any tutorials like this, so I figured I'd make one myself.

Here you all go!

And just to reiterate something I said in the album, thank you all so much for making this such a fantastic community. I feel safe here, that means a lot.

Edit: I'm not sure why this has been flaired as a question, is there a way I can change it?

And again: Holy hell! I'm so glad you all liked my silly little guide, and thank you so much for the gold, stranger! :D

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about 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Huaxec - Direct link

Love it. Thanks for the fun tutorial!

I'm totally doing this tonight with my Charr! :)

about 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Huaxec - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

You're very welcome!

And thanks so much for taking the time to comment, I've always hoped I'd get a dev response someday! <3

Also, postyourcharrselfieheremaybe? :D

OMGIamSoDoingThat ;)