almost 5 years ago - /u/BobbyStein - Direct link

Originally posted by stevenharryson

It's a beautiful work of Art. All I can think about when I thumb through it is what Mike O'Brien lost when he left the studio.

Let's hope brighter days are ahead for the studio.

It's a beautiful work of Art. All I can think about when I thumb through it is what Mike O'Brien lost when he left the studio.

Let's hope brighter days are ahead for the studio.

One of the wonderful things about this book is that it reminds us of everyone's contributions over the years. They've all helped shape what Guild Wars has become and nothing will ever change that. While we miss Mo, we will be cheering him and his colleagues on as fans of whatever they do next. And the rest of us at ANet will continue to evolve our game and the GW universe in the years to come.