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almost 7 years ago - /u/anet_ianim - Direct link

Originally posted by Taeljam

Raiding with Mad King Thorn would be awesome! He would trash talk the bosses, and deal massive DPS while laughing the whole time. Summoning Candy Corn Golems, playing Mad King says with Trashmobs, killing his own teammates, dance sometimes when he's bored. Changes the boss timers. Instead of Boss Enrages, Thorn himself would enrage. Kicking Deimos or Sabetha from the platform, and steals KC his Head. Trying to use Gorse as a mount. I would love it to bits!


Edit: You guys are hilarious. Unfortunately, I need to step on this and confirm that we are not doing holiday raids. It was more that I got a kick out of the idea. Sorry!

almost 7 years ago - /u/anet_ianim - Direct link

Originally posted by Slice_0f_Life

This is amazing, and the best present I never knew I wanted. Edit: Festeval the Multigenerous.