almost 2 years ago - - Direct link
03/14/2023—March 14 Release Notes World Polish In response to player feedback, we've made the following changes to the Gyala Delve meta-event rewards: The daily cap on Jade Miner's Keycards has been removed. After earning a large quantity of keycards, their drop rate will be reduced for the day. Ancient Outcast's Mining Caches no longer require keycards to open and only spawn from the meta-event's boss fight. Ancient Outcast's Mining Caches from the post-boss champion events have been replaced with standard Gyala Delve Mining Caches. Keycard Exchange Service prices have been reduced by up to 50%. As a result of removing the keycard cap, mining cache contents have been adjusted. Fixed an issue that caused Gorrik and Chul-Moo to display an incorrect conversation icon when talking to them in Gyala Delve. Added a new region lore marker for Ari in Gyala Delve to indicate that she can tell you more about local history and what the Jade Brotherhood has been up to. Fixed an issue that could cause open-world story dialogue for "What Lies Beneath" to be interrupted by meta-event dialogue in Gyala Delve. Fixed an issue that prevented the "Stop the kappa burglar before it escapes with the stolen goods" event from correctly contributing to base upgrade progress in Gyala Delve. Changed the Mark of Pain condition icon used by the Champion Twisted Skelks in Gyala Delve. Fixed an issue that prevented Nozomi's achievement availability marker from properly displaying in Arborstone. Fixed an issue that caused lost scouts in Gyala Delve to display conversation icons when a player initiated combat. Fixed an issue that caused allied NPCs to remain in the Behemoth's Gap base after it was claimed by hostile forces. Fixed an issue that prevented researchers' health bars from being displayed while escorting them in Gyala Delve. Removed a blank conversation option from Chul-Moo's dialogue at the Jadepillar Point base. Pristine Jade-Enhanced Shells will now return to players' siege turtles when recapturing a base in Gyala Delve. Fixed an issue that prevented defeated enemies' markers from disappearing when defending the bases in Gyala Delve. Fixed an issue that caused two event markers to follow the researchers when escorting them in Gyala Delve. Behemoth's Gap base and Jadepillar Point base can no longer be upgraded once players have progressed to the "Defeat the ravenous wanderer" event. Fixed an issue that caused players to lose both stacks of Pristine Jade-Enhanced Shells when only a single base was lost. Fixed an issue that prevented some players from receiving progress toward completing the Deadliest Thing on Two Legs achievement. Clarified the Ongoing Investigations: The Jade Brotherhood requirement text. Fixed an issue that prevented some spell decals in Hall of Chains from rendering correctly when using DirectX11 rendering. Fixed an issue that prevented Soo-Won's defiance bar from returning to a breakable state after the vortex phases that begin at 60% and 40% health. Items Fixed an issue that prevented Dragon's and Ritualist's attributes from appearing as options on raid and fractal equipment with selectable attributes.
almost 2 years ago - - Direct link
2023-03-14—Late Notes World Polish Fixed an issue in the Deep Trouble story instance that could cause the story to fail to progress if the player left nearby enemies alive and the enemies interrupted control of the jade bot. Fixed an issue in the Deep Trouble story instance that could cause the story to fail to progress if the player dealt extremely high amounts of damage to the boss right before a phase change. General Coherent UI has been replaced with Chromium Embedded Framework to power web-based interfaces like the launcher and Trading Post. Fixed a visual issue that caused some visual effects to appear twice, or not at all. This affected the mine telegraph effects used by Prototype XJ-1 in the Echovald Wilds meta-event. Both versions of the Dragonjade-Tier Reward Package now use the same icon. Profession Skills Elementalist Dragon's Tooth: Reduced power coefficient from 1.5 to 1.33 in PvP only. Water Trident: Reduced damage bonus when striking a chilled foe from 50% to 33% in PvP only. Swirling Winds: Reduced duration from 6 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP only. Elemental Celerity: Adjusted recharge amount from 100% to 25 seconds in PvP only. Engineer Blast Gyro: Adjusted might from 2 stacks for 6 seconds to 1 stack for 12 seconds in PvP only. Kinetic Accelerators: Adjusted might from 2 stacks for 8 seconds to 1 stack for 15 seconds in PvP only. Sneak Gyro: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP only. Speed of Synergy: Reduced area-of-effect superspeed duration from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP only. Reduced self superspeed duration from 7 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP only. World vs. World General Repairing walls and gates will no longer award event participation. This alleviates the behavior we've seen in farming Objective Scaling Rewards and "wasting" supply while defending. However, an additional side effect of this is that repairing alone will not progress achievements that require event participation, such as Keep Keeper, Nice View, or Stay Out. Adjusted Objective Scaling Rewards on certain keep defense events.
almost 2 years ago - - Direct link
Release Note: Chromium Embedded Framework has been temporarily removed and reverted to Coherent UI while we investigate a crash.
almost 2 years ago - - Direct link
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving progress toward the achievement Ongoing Investigations: The Jade Brotherhood when listening to the Jade Brotherhood’s and Yao’s audio logs.
almost 2 years ago - - Direct link
Bug Fix: Fixed some issues with several cosmetics
almost 2 years ago - - Direct link
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that could prevent the story from progressing during the Air of Mystery chapter of “What Lies Beneath” if the player exited the map while dialogue was playing