12 days ago - - Direct link
Can you provide more context? I asked one of our audio folks who went into our dev tools, and he said that Dagda has the regular jotun VO processing applied to her bank of lines. Her appearance in a cinematic has a special conditional process applied to it, but that everything appears normal/intentional from what he's checked across a variety of voiced lines. Do you have any specific lines that stood out? If so, posting the text here would help us investigate further if you feel it's still an issue. Thanks!
11 days ago - - Direct link
My gut says this was likely a line that was marked for "possession" conditional processing to show her on the edge of being totally controlled for the last line of that scene and that it was missed in a batch process for launch but was caught later and then processed and imported. That stated, I don't know for sure but will ask a few folks to look into it. Thanks for the heads up.
11 days ago - - Direct link
When someone in our cast is voicing a non-human character, we supply them with a few things in the recording booth: Character bio/description High level info about their species If available, we show them some reference art to give them a visual representation of who they are voicing If they've voiced this character in the past (or if others have done so) we'll play them voice reference to get them into character and vocal range As for audio postprocessing, that's the domain of the Audio Team who are the real experts here. But to my knowledge, some amount of voice processing is applied to all VO lines (normalization for levels) but many non-human species get additional processes applied (e.g. pitch shift, gutturals added, distortion, echo, etc.) depending on what sort of voice print Audio envisions for that species. And on top of that, if there are special conditions for a situation (e.g. character is a ghost, echo of the past, possessed, etc.) we can layer another process on top. Again, I want to stress that I'm not the expert on VO postprocessing--our Audio Designers are. But that's how I understand some of the basics of what they do to voiceover lines. The reason I'm commenting here is that quite often a writer/narrative designer will mark a particular character or lines within a scene for conditional voice processing, so Narrative is involved in the process but only at the front end of identifying lines for story or gameplay purposes. After that, the Audio folks take over and make the magic happen.
11 days ago - - Direct link
I asked folks to specifically check these scenes to determine if this was intentional. It was. The processing was applied on certain lines to indicate her shifting back and forth between total possession. If it wasn't this way at launch, it was most likely a case of files not getting caught up in a batch process and fixed in a later patch. Thanks for bringing it to our attention regardless. Always helps to see how folks feel about particular details of the experience. 🙂
11 days ago - - Direct link
Isgarren's a masochist so it's totally in character. 😆