Original Post — Direct link

They posted this: https://twitter.com/GuildWars2/status/491545936842465281

So, I put the pieces in the correct order: http://imgur.com/9atpoMT

Did Taimi change to a new outfit? What is she working on?

More to come in an hour and a half. ;)

External link β†’
over 10 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by Ashjyr

Either she's holding something in her hands, or she's rubbing her hands together in utter glee.

She might well be rubbing her hands with glee ;)

over 10 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

You tease.


over 10 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

So, uh, are you people going to be active on reddit from now on?

We aim to be active in as many places as we can, I may not always be around to comment but please note we always read all feedback that our players leave, no matter where it is (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, our forums etc.).

over 10 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by PalwaJoko

You better not make Taimi evil. If you do I will personally come to your HQ and turn you all into undead slaves for my army. No body messes with Joko's Taimi.

Shhhh, don't tell anyone but Taimi is my favourite of the B-Iconic characters ;)