Original Post — Direct link

This week on Tuesday, our guild group defeated the Escort event in Stronghold of the Faithful (We received loot for this encounter), then at somewhere between 19:30-20:00 (GMT+1) we re-logged for the patch update. We then defeated (progression as a guild group) Keep Construct, only to find that none of us received personal loot/boss chest or the collection item. Our instance progressed onto the twisted castle regardless, which we attempted and failed. After attempting twisted castle we re-zoned into Stronghold of the Faithful again, but our raid instance had Keep Construct alive, as if we'd never killed it. We had the same group member rezoning so it wasn't anybody else's instance lock.

Today with the same group except for one person we again killed Keep Construct, and again nobody received loot and nobody received the Spirit Strings/Stone Soul. After rezoning back in, we're once again back at Keep Construct with our instance not recognising his defeat.

Both times we recorded our group killing Keep Construct, once we upload the videos we will edit them on to this post.
Edit 1: Kill 1 vod - https://youtu.be/eBYDDemLw_M

External link β†’
over 7 years ago - /u/CrystalRAID - Direct link

The team has been investigating the issue and are working to get a fix out as quickly as they can.