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Yo. I'm an editor/admin of the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki (User:Pling if you're interested).

There's plenty of room for improvement, and since the wiki is a community, collaborative effort, I'm interested in your general (or specific!) opinions.

How much do you use it? How much do you edit? What do you like the most about it - and what don't you like? Is there any area you'd like to point out as being particularly awesome or horrendous?

Also, if you have any questions about how the wiki works, how to edit, what you can help with, or whatever, I'll try to answer them.

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almost 12 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by MithranArkanere

What's needed is two things, and two things that must be done in the client first before doing anything in the wiki itself:

  1. Use the trading post's in-game browser capabilities to show the wiki in a panel in-game. With an option to use an external browser instead, of course.
  2. A neat "wiki this" button in the upper bar. Press it, the mouse pointer turns into the "wiki this" pointer. Then you can click on anything, ANYTHING, and you get its corresponding wiki page in the in-game wiki viewer.

And ding, the wiki gets more attention and users to get filled.

Hey MithranArkanere,

(Stéphane Lo Presti here, I'm the Wiki Liaison at ArenaNet) We're a bit off-topic here and I don't want to derail the thread, but I though I'd mention that I'm aware of these cool ideas. The issue is really one of cost to implement them and this is not something trivial.

Thanks to the wiki community for this thread, I hope it'll get a lot of attention and feedback!

almost 12 years ago - /u/ArenaNetTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by IncognitoCanuck

GW2 is all about being dynamic. Dynamic events, vendors, etc., however I feel that the wiki is much less so and we (the community) probably have mostly ourselves to blame. The wiki and community are still young and I believe that both will be more well-rounded in the coming months. Currently, however, the amount of relevant content is lacking.

For example, my most recent encounter was with the vendor of Bauble Bubbles. The wiki still indicates that they can be turned into the merchant from the event in Rata Sum for various items, and although the vendor is still there, he no longer offers items in exchange for the Baubles. His own page on the wiki also makes no mention of the fact that his services are no longer available.

I'm just as guilty as anybody for not rectifying these things (such as the above), but if we want the wiki to be a good source of truth for the game, they need to move in sync. I think community awareness posts such as this one are a great start. I'm going to go sign up now and start contributing! :)

There's actually a good example of that on the wiki and I thought that I'd mention it. This was coded by one of the wiki editors (I believe he's on this reddit thread too :) ) recently on the wiki, after we released the API: take a look any article about a dynamic event (for example: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Capture_Stonecrag_Kraal), then on the right you'll see the infobox and at its bottom the title "Worlds currently active on", click on the [fetch] link and you can see the list of worlds on which the event is active.

(I know that your comments refers to more stuff than just that but this is a good example of the fact that things are moving forward)