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Heads up that if you get to 99 stacks on the first boss mote, it seems to disable your slotted runes, sigils, and infusions. Removing all the gear and then re-equipping it worked for myself, some people in my squad ended up just leaving the instance and coming back into fix it.
Noticed it when my sigil of concentration seemed to not ever be proccing. After checking hero panel, AR, and all bonuses from runes and sigils disappeared as well.

edit: http://imgur.com/k3pUP2c normal stats on right, stats on left with slots not working

External link β†’
about 8 years ago - /u/CrystalRAID - Direct link

Originally posted by RisingDusk

Man, so this is what causes it! What a frustrating bug! We had Chronomancers with bizarrely low boon duration, condition classes with strangely low condition duration, and the works. We always figured out that rejoining the instance fixed it, but never what caused it. Glad to finally be aware of the issue.

/u/CrystalRAID can you please make sure this gets looked at? Thanks. :)

Late reply, but yes we are looking in to this.