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Just wanted to shout out the tournament test and how (relatively) smooth it was. Definitely felt more like a tournament and less like "play one game". Let's do some critiques:

  1. The time between matches felt way too long, even when the tournament wasn't glitched. It got faster towards the end, but there was more waiting around time than is ideal.
  2. The tournament rewards didn't say what position my team got. Even when standings are working, it would be better to have a "Conglaturations! You got X place!".
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about 5 years ago - /u/ANET_BenP - Direct link

One of the things with swiss format: Since we determine your next opponent by record, we can't start the next round of matches until the current round is complete. But yeah, the UI does a poor job of communicating that.

about 5 years ago - /u/ANET_BenP - Direct link

Originally posted by p3g4s3

Hi! Any info about when the next 2v2 tournament test will take place?

about 5 years ago - /u/ANET_BenP - Direct link

Originally posted by Holy90

how (relatively) smooth it was.

Did I miss something? I was in the first three tests, had one game, then the tourney closed. Was there another that worked?

NA ran fairly smoothly outside of the UI issues. EU was having trouble because of the number of teams participating. We tried to cap the number of teams on the third tournament and then learned that the code to cap tournaments teams also wasn't working.

about 5 years ago - /u/ANET_BenP - Direct link

Originally posted by jaberdeen8

Does this give an achievement and AP as well?

No AP.