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Let me start by saying, this is all my doing. I have no one to blame but myself. I'm just frustrated and decided this is as good as a place to rant as any. Feel free to downvote me into oblivion.

I recently purchased 800 gems from the store with the express purpose of buying the Jack-in-the-Box Scythe from the gem store. I purchased it and was so happy to equip it. Once equipped, I had that sinking feeling. Oh no, I equipped this on the wrong character and it is soulbound. I have heard in the past that ArenaNet is great to their customers, so I immediately submitted a ticket, hoping I could get it transferred to my other character where I already have the unlimited use mining pick. A day and a half later I get the email stating there is nothing that can be done. I tried submitting on the forums to get a second opinion, only to hear the same.

I don't blame the customer service reps, as they can only do what ArenaNet allows them to do. But this situation reminds me a lot of the story of the $100,000 salt and pepper shaker from Randy Pausch's book The Last Lecture. The quick version is that when Randy was a child he purchased a $10 salt and pepper shaker as a gift for his parents while at a Disney park. A little while later he dropped and broke them. He returned to the store where he purchased the gift, told the clerks what had happened, and they gave him a new one free of charge. When Randy's parents heard this, they gained a whole new level of respect for Disney. He calculated that since that time he and his family have spent well over $100,000 in Disney merchandise, tickets, and concessions. The final point of that story is "There is more than one way to measure profits and losses. On every level, institutions can and should have a heart." This is what I was hoping for from ArenaNet. A change of pace from the typical support you get from a large corporation. I was hoping for a company that understands that accidents happen. A company that is willing to look at your situation instead of blindly following a policy to maximize profits.

I could sit here and complain that the item should be account wide or that the Yes/No prompt for soulbinding is a really poor paradigm, but I won't. In the end, this is my fault and I accept responsibility. I clicked too fast and need to live with the consequences.

Will I continue to play the game? Most likely.

Will I spend more money on gems? Probably, but I will most likely spend less. I will always be fearing the worst, knowing I have little to no recourse when a problem occurs.

Thanks for reading my rant.

TLDR: Bought an item with gems and soulbound it to the wrong character. Hoped for help from ArenaNet, but got nothing. It's my fault, I know it, but will be weary of future gem purchases.

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over 11 years ago - /u/ArenaNetSupportTeam - Direct link

We are really sorry that this happened, and I feel sure we can help you. Could you please work with me on the thread in our forums? I asked that you give me your ticket number (should be five digits) so we can take a peek and review the whole thing.

We have a policy of kindness towards those who support us with their Gem Store purchases. We are grateful for everyone's support of our game and particularly for your support of continued development through the GS. The last thing we want is a disenchanted supporter of our game.

So please go ahead and pop your ticket or incident number in here and we'll do whatever we can to make this right for you!

Thanks for your patience. (And personally, I love your Disney reference. Being a major fan, I am not surprised at what they did, but still delighted to hear another positive story about a company I love. :) )

over 11 years ago - /u/ArenaNetSupportTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by GambitsEnd

I have heard in the past that ArenaNet is great to their customers

No idea where you've heard this from, but it's absolute fiction. Everyone I know that has had to deal with their customer service has never been helped.

Personally, I've contacted them about five times. Never have had my problem solved. First time was when I pre-purchased the game and they sent me an invalid code, so was unable to play in any beta weekend. I asked ANet to fix the issue, but they refused, so I didn't even get to play early access. Pissed off, I flagged it as an unauthorized charge and the bank reversed it. Then I simply bought it from a local retailer.

Another time was when my account was compromised and a hacker took in excess of 450 gold from my account (not counting valuable items). CLEARLY it was hacked, as the access point was from an entirely different region of the world, but they refused to roll back my account or take action against where ever the gold / items went.

Another time, I noticed a charge on my card that was credited to ANet. Turns out they randomly decided to charge my account $25 and add gems to my account without my permission. Do note that I live alone, so it's not like a family member got a hold of my account and messed around with it. I demanded they refund the charge and remove the gems from account, of which they declined to do of course.

One of the other incidents included my account being banned for no reason (which was sorted out after two weeks - turns out they targeted the wrong account because they're incompetent).

The last one being a character of mine disappear from my account. I've never deleted a character, so it wasn't that ... it simply wasn't there anymore. ANet refused to help. After a week of trying to get them to look into, I gave up. The character was only level 32 and didn't have anything important on it, so wasn't worth my time to get their dumbasses to help me.

So yeah ... not only did they lose the chance of me ever spending on the game (which I have a habit of doing for other F2P games - I've spent hundreds on League of Legends for example), but I actively tell people to not spend money on the game.

I'd be happy to review those tickets, if you can please provide me the numbers.

What you're describing just doesn't read right at all. Yes, we're human and we make mistakes, but I'd like to get into the meat and bones of the tickets to find out if such decisions were made, why they were made.

In particular, we do not randomly charge someone's credit card, for games, gems, or anything else. That's not only bad business, that's illegal. We're really careful about following not just the letter of the law, but the spirit as well. So I have to get into that ticket to find out what you believe happened and what really happened, because with all due respect, I cannot believe that we charged you $25 and never removed the charges, which seems to be what you suggested. :( If you brought this to our attention, I am 100% confident that any erroneous charge was addressed very, very quickly.

The hacked account situation doesn't read as standard. There's more to that story, as well. Invalid code? Are you suggesting you purchased from US (buy.guildwars2.com) and got an invalid code and then no assistance? That's far from likely.

We want to help. We want to improve our track record with you, if that is possible. And we will fix anything we did wrong. But without ticket numbers, none of that is possible, so please provide those ticket numbers so we can assess each and every situation you've mentioned here.