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about 3 years ago - /u/ANet_Solar - Direct link

Sorry! There was a mistake along the way and the attribute names got all scrambled with older ones on the slottable upgrade items for the new attribute combos. We have editing in the pipeline to correct it, but it may be a bit!

Edit to be super clear:
This upgrade does not give the stats it says it does! The stats it actually gives if you equip it are Ritualists: 17 Condition Damage, 17 Vitality, 9 Expertise, 9 Concentration.

about 3 years ago - /u/ANet_Solar - Direct link

Originally posted by Ravenclaw74656

Thanks for the edit. Just to clarify, is it the description that needs fixing or the values it gives?

If the former, any chance we can get this temporarily unsellable on the TP as a stopgap to fixing the description, or is that just as hard as the edit? Just aware that (as much as I'd love to keep getting that sweet silver) much of its determined value is based on that description.

Edit: more clarity and words.

It is the description that needs to be fixed. The values it actually gives if you equip it are correct.