Original Post — Direct link
about 3 years ago - /u/ANet_Nick - Direct link

The excitement of getting to see what each of these is going to look like is helping me get through the week, so thank you!

(They're beautiful)

about 3 years ago - /u/ANet_Nick - Direct link

Originally posted by skirtsan

Nick you are a legend, I hope you know this!!!! You and your team worked so hard and I am over the moon to explore these new beautiful places. Thank you so much!!

I appreciate the kind words! In reality I'm just a dude with a shaved head though and if anyone/thing is legendary it's the team itself. It takes a village to collaborate and make everything and I'm super happy to get to work alongside such talented and amazing folks, honestly.

We're all super excited for you and everyone else to get to explore said beautiful places. Only 3 more days!!!!