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Now, I know that the engine is in-house. But what I'm curious about is more the specifics of it. Is the engine/editor mesh based, like Unreal and UDK or like Source and Hammer? (Could it be somewhere inbetween like Radiant?)

I have asked multiple ANet Employee's ingame, but have either gotten "No idea, sorry" or conflicting answers of it being Mesh or Brush based. Hoping that maybe I can get an actual solid answer from the ANet employees that I know lurk this reddit (can't hide from me!)

(And for those who are like "this is silly", I'm just curious. I do level design as a hobby, so these things interest me. Much like people like baseball player stats, I like game editors/engines)

EDIT: So it's the general consensus also to figure out HOW you do this too, on top of what type of engine you use.

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over 11 years ago - /u/PrinceSuperfly - Direct link

Originally posted by nightsfrost

If I may ask, how long does it take a team to put together a new zone (Southsun, for example)?

Or even a dungeon?

Its always different due to scope and team size. Sometimes things go well and the level gets done quicker, other times it has be to started completely over. Sorry to be vague but its never the same twice.