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I've pretty much gotten bored of all of the easy content in GW2 like Dungeons, Fractals, open world stuff, Strikes. Trying out new raids has been what keeps me playing, I enjoy the learning experience and the feeling when you overcome a boss that took several tries to beat. Once I finish all of them, I'm not sure what will keep me playing- the new story episodes only last a couple episodes and strike missions generally only take a couple tries the first time.

It's been a year since we've seen a new raid. I recall that Arenanet had said they're putting them on hold due to low player engagement, and will create strikes to help prepare players for raids.

With 7 strikes out now, some of which come close to raid difficulty(ie Whisper of Jormag, Boneskinner), has Arenanet made any indication of new development on raids?

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over 4 years ago - /u/BobbyStein - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

raid team as you knew it before doesnt exist anymore, they were either laid off or catapulted to other companies

raid team as you knew it before doesnt exist anymore, they were either laid off or catapulted to other companies

To clarify: The original raid team members did move into new positions on various teams (management, lead, LW, or expac). Some are still at the studio but a few have moved on to other opportunities. This is pretty normal industry stuff.

GW2 has a vibrant community and we're always looking at ways to keep the game engaging for people. Raids, like Living World, fractals, etc. are constantly being evaluated. Right now we're focused on finishing the Icebrood Saga and the expansion (among other things) but please continue sharing your ideas and letting us know the kinds of things you want in the game. I can't guarantee a particular outcome but it's important that we know your thoughts as they help us weigh decisions. Thanks.