As title says. Plays fine everywhere else, crashing multiple times during treasure hunt. Have yet to actually make it to the end. Error
Ideas? Suggestions?
External link βAs title says. Plays fine everywhere else, crashing multiple times during treasure hunt. Have yet to actually make it to the end. Error
Ideas? Suggestions?
External link βFor crashes, please tell us what you were doing in the text field and click "Send report to ArenaNet". We have a tool that lets us see the information from crashes (including call stacks, player notes, where players were, etc.) that have been reported and groups multiple occurrences of the same crash together, and seeing what is actually happening there can be extremely useful.
I did give details in one of them - though I confess, they were tainted with my frustration. But I did, so hopefully the tool and the comments help. I don't think it's related to lag, though, tbh. It's too consistent on just this event.
And thanks for taking notice.
Thank you, our weekly crash deputy should see it and assign it to someone who can figure out what's going on and fix it.