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So, I was going through the patch notes when suddenly...



*Waterfalls everywhere have undergone audio redesign.

I have been waiting for that for months ! I'm so glad that this has finally been redesigned.

External link β†’
almost 11 years ago - /u/codonomicus - Direct link

Cody here from ANET HQ. Thanks for the shout out! I had a little bit of extra time on my hands, so I hand-crafted each and every waterfall's soundscape with an aim for it to seem appropriate, fitting for the size and complexity of the waterfall system (and your distance from it)--from the smallest trickle to the largest rushing rapids or roaring cascade.

There's hundreds of waterfalls out there, and hopefully they're all pleasing to the ear now. Feedback is always welcome, and most likely to be read at our official audio forums.

almost 11 years ago - /u/codonomicus - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


If I had a waterfall for every time I heard this joke while I was working on them, I wouldn't be done yet. Maybe by this time next year?