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I know it's easy to get in and knock out one raid boss, but I feel like that isn't the point. Why can't Anet just let you add points towards the raid mastery track without having to do a raid?

Edit: Someone below pointed out in PoF, if you didn't unlock the griffon, you could still start earning spirit shards after you've unlocked the other PoF masteries. I think allowing players to collect spirit shards after they've completed all the other reward tracks except raid would be a good alternative solution if they insist on gating it behind the requirement that players kill a raid boss to unlock that mastery track.

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almost 7 years ago - /u/anet_ianim - Direct link

Hey folks! That's some good points you've made. I want to clarify some stuff I guess for sake of conversation, but also for edification. Because I like interacting with you guys and why not?

First thing: with the next raid release, the HoT Raid Mastery Track will be hidden just like the Griffon track. They can be unlocked the same as always: by completing any raid event. We understand that some people don't want to do raids, but want their delicious Spirit Shards. So let's fix that.

I'm going to sort of meander at this point because I haven't had breakfast yet. I'm so hungry

Fractals are part of Core Tyria (meaning base game, no expansion necessary). That is why the mastery track is separate. It has always been part of Core Tyria, and it always will be. Full stop. Raids are expansion content only. The Raid Mastery Track under HoT will always require owning HoT to utilize. At this point in time, I don't see that changing.

PoF raids will not have a mastery track. We learned very quickly as a company that:

  • 1) good masteries are hard to design.
  • 1a) if you create a good mastery, why lock it behind a raid?
  • 2) it's better to use open world masteries inside of raid content.

The Raid mastery track was locked for one simple reason: we wanted players to have to start playing the content before they could farm and max out their masteries. Sure, go level them up in events afterwards, but don't go into the content full prepped without having done it at all.

The track wasn't hidden like Griffon because that tech didn't exist. It does now, so we're enabling it. It sucks for some people that have it unlocked, but it is what it is.

I hope that answers some of the questions/comments I read, and I'm happy to answer any more you may have.... Within reason. Everyone likes some surprises. Jeeze, Brenda.

almost 7 years ago - /u/anet_ianim - Direct link

Originally posted by RisingDusk

I'm curious why you say hiding the track like the Griffon Mastery track would suck for some people that have it unlocked already. Is this action going to reset progress on the raid masteries for those who already have it unlocked or something?

Outside of that, thanks for the heads-up! I think hiding the track is great and ideal for the game going forward.

No no. It means that, if you've already put progress into the track but have not completed the full track, it won't hide. It'll remain open, and you will need to complete it. No resetting.

almost 7 years ago - /u/anet_ianim - Direct link

Originally posted by InkTide

Certainly a fair compromise, glad you're doing it. Just to clarify, that means people who have not done any raids ever will be able to earn spirit shards from HoT mastery experience, correct?

It means if you have not unlocked the raid track it will become hidden. If you have unlocked it you will still need to max it out.

almost 7 years ago - /u/anet_ianim - Direct link

Originally posted by nobody______cares

So future raids will require both expansions? or just PoF? or just Hot?

Since you said raids are expansion content i kind of assume coming raids will only require PoF but since it has no mastery track i'm not sure anymore.

This has never been answered anywhere thats why i'm asking :)

Raids are specific to the expansion that they are released with.

That means you require HoT to play Spirit Vale, Salvation Pass, Stronghold of the Faithful, and Bastion of the Penitent.

Any raids released for Path of Fire will require that expansion.